Lookup, Location and Details of IP

IP address
Analyzed Range
IP Type IPv4
IP availability Public IP
Decimal number 3169581234
Russian Federation
State / Region Krasnoyarskiy kray
City Krasnoyarsk
ISP JSC ER-Telecom Holding
AS Number AS50544
AS Name JSC ER-Telecom Holding
Continent Asia
Time zone Code Asia/Krasnoyarsk
Time zone Offset UTC +07:00
Local time
Coordinates Latitude: 56.009765, Longitude: 92.792478

IP Proxy Lookup

Proxy Status Proxy Not Detected
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IP address location map IP Location: Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russian Federation

IP address is a Public IP of type IPv4, located in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russian Federation, Asia.

WHOIS and Details of IP

inetnum: - netname: ERTH-KRSK-PPPOE-9-NET descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Krasnoyarsk branch descr: Krasnoyarsk, Russia descr: PPPoE individual customers country: RU admin-c: ERTH23-RIPE org: ORG-CHKB1-RIPE tech-c: ERTH23-RIPE status: ASSIGNED PA mnt-by: RAID-MNT remarks: INFRA-AW created: 2011-09-28T19:47:38Z last-modified: 2011-09-28T19:47:38Z source: RIPE # Filtered organisation: ORG-CHKB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Krasnoyarsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Krasnoyarsk ISP address: Televisornaya str., 1 building 9 address: 660028 Krasnoyarsk address: Russian Federation phone: +7 391 215-00-22 fax-no: +7 391 215-00-22 admin-c: ERTH23-RIPE tech-c: ERTH23-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2009-12-24T10:29:40Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T13:09:33Z source: RIPE # Filtered role: Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Krasnoyarsk branch address: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Krasnoyarsk branch address: Televisornaya str., 1 building 9 address: 660028 Krasnoyarsk address: Russian Federation phone: +7 391 215-00-22 fax-no: +7 391 215-00-22 admin-c: RAID1-RIPE tech-c: RAID1-RIPE nic-hdl: ERTH23-RIPE created: 2009-12-24T10:16:38Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T13:09:12Z source: RIPE # Filtered mnt-by: RAID-MNT route: origin: AS12768 org: ORG-RA21-RIPE descr: OJSC "ER-Telecom" Perm' descr: Perm', Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:12Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:12Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-RA21-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" org-type: LIR address: str. Shosse Kosmonavtov, 111, bldg. 43, office 527 address: 614990 address: Perm address: RUSSIAN FEDERATION phone: +7 342 2462233 fax-no: +7 342 2195024 admin-c: ERTH3-RIPE tech-c: RAID1-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-ref: ENFORTA-MNT mnt-ref: AS8345-MNT mnt-ref: RU-NTK-MNT mnt-by: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2004-04-17T11:56:55Z last-modified: 2020-04-03T08:58:49Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS34533 org: ORG-CHSB3-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Samara branch descr: Samara, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:15Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:15Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHSB3-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Samara Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Samara ISP address: Partizanskaya str., 86 address: Samara, Russia, 443070 phone: +7 (846) 202-88-78 fax-no: +7 (846) 202-88-78 admin-c: ESMR1-RIPE tech-c: ESMR1-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T12:24:42Z last-modified: 2019-10-15T14:05:29Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS34590 org: ORG-UIC1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Izhevsk branch descr: Izhevsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:24Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:24Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-UIC1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Izhevsk branch org-type: OTHER address: 111, Molodezhnaya str. address: Izhevsk, Russia, 426054 phone: +7 3412 916 777 phone: +7 3412 435434 fax-no: +7 3412 435434 admin-c: RAID1-RIPE tech-c: RAID1-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2004-11-09T15:16:43Z last-modified: 2019-10-15T08:13:33Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS39028 org: ORG-CHUB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Ul'yanovsk branch descr: Ul'yanovsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:25Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:25Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHUB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Ul'yanovsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Ul'yanovsk ISP address: Radischeva str, 63 address: 432063 Ul'yanovsk address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH73-RIPE tech-c: ERTH73-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-25T09:09:24Z last-modified: 2019-10-17T06:50:26Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS39435 org: ORG-CHVB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Volgograd branch descr: Volgograd, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:21Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:21Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHVB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Volgograd Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Volgograd ISP address: Komsomol'skaya str., 6 address: Volgograd, Russia, 400087 phone: +7 (8442) 532-100 fax-no: +7 (8442) 532-100 admin-c: ELVD1-RIPE tech-c: ELVD1-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T12:30:31Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T05:09:37Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS41661 org: ORG-CHCB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Chelyabinsk branch descr: Chelyabinsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:18Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:18Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHCB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Chelyabinsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Chelyabinsk ISP address: Voroshilova, 10 address: Chelyabinsk, Russia, 454014 phone: +7 (351) 217-17-17 fax-no: +7 (351) 217-17-17 admin-c: ERTH74-RIPE tech-c: ERTH74-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T10:54:47Z last-modified: 2019-10-17T07:08:21Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS41668 org: ORG-CHKB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Kazan' branch descr: Kazan', Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:23Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:23Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHKB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Kazan' Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Kazan' ISP address: Gvardeyskaya, 54 address: Kazan', Russia, 420087 phone: +7 (843) 211-00-44 fax-no: +7 (843) 211-00-44 admin-c: NOC97-RIPE tech-c: NOC97-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T10:56:24Z last-modified: 2019-11-11T11:56:26Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS41682 org: ORG-CHTb1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Tyumen' branch descr: Tyumen', Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:21Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:21Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHTb1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Tyumen' branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Tyumen' ISP address: Permyakova str., 7/1 address: Tyumen', Russia, 625013 phone: +7 (3452) 51-41-31 fax-no: +7 (3452) 51-41-31 admin-c: NOCC2-RIPE tech-c: NOCC2-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T10:44:51Z last-modified: 2019-11-13T12:27:54Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS41727 org: ORG-CHKB3-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Kirov branch descr: Kirov, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:16Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:16Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHKB3-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Kirov Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Kirov ISP address: Gertsena, 1 address: Kirov, Russia, 610002 phone: +7 (8332) 711-555 fax-no: +7 (8332) 711-555 admin-c: NOCC1-RIPE tech-c: NOCC1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T10:58:05Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:41Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS41754 org: ORG-CHPB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Penza branch descr: Penza, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:20Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:20Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHPB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Penza Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Penza ISP address: Kalyaeva str., 7a address: Penza, Russia, 440600 phone: +7 (8412) 236-333 fax-no: +7 (8412) 236-333 admin-c: ETHD2-RIPE tech-c: ETHD2-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T10:59:31Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T05:13:36Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS41786 org: ORG-CHYB3-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Yoshkar-Ola branch descr: Yoshkar-Ola, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:17Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:17Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHYB3-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Yoshkar-Ola Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Yoshkar-Ola ISP address: Leninsky prospekt, 12 address: Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, 424000 phone: +7 (8362) 30-40-70 fax-no: +7 (8362) 30-40-70 admin-c: ETHD12-RIPE tech-c: ETHD12-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T11:09:18Z last-modified: 2019-10-24T07:30:15Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS41843 org: ORG-CHOB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Omsk branch descr: Omsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:13Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:13Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHOB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Omsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Omsk ISP address: Marshala Zhukova str., 25 address: Omsk, Russia, 644024 phone: +7 (3812) 90-66-88 fax-no: +7 (3812) 90-66-88 admin-c: NOCC3-RIPE tech-c: NOCC3-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-13T11:11:51Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:42Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS42116 org: ORG-ZA17-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Naberezhnye Chelny branch descr: Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:14Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:14Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-ZA17-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Naberezhnye Chelny branch org-type: OTHER address: Akademika Rubanenko street, 14 (1/17) address: 423810, Resbuplika Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia admin-c: NCHL1-RIPE tech-c: NCHL1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2006-12-19T14:04:18Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:41Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS42682 org: ORG-CNN1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Nizhny Novgorod branch descr: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:23Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:23Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CNN1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Nizhny Novgorod org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Nizhny Novgorod ISP address: Manufakturnaya str., 14 address: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 603086 phone: +7 831 215 78 08 fax-no: +7 831 215 78 08 admin-c: NOCC5-RIPE tech-c: NOCC5-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2007-12-19T08:19:13Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T12:10:39Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS42683 org: ORG-ZC2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Orenburg branch descr: Orenburg, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:25Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:25Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-ZC2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Orenburg branch org-type: OTHER address: Prospekt Dzerzhinskogo, 8 address: Orenburg 460038, Russia admin-c: NOCC56-RIPE tech-c: NOCC56-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2007-03-26T06:54:45Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T05:12:21Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS43478 org: ORG-CN31-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Novosibirsk branch descr: Novosibirsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:13Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:13Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CN31-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Novosibirsk branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Novosibirsk ISP address: Lenina str., 52 address: Novosibirsk, Russia, 630004 phone: +7 383 284-00-80 fax-no: +7 383 284-00-80 admin-c: NOCC4-RIPE tech-c: NOCC4-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2007-12-19T07:43:22Z last-modified: 2019-10-23T06:59:16Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS49048 org: ORG-CHTB4-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Tver' branch descr: Tver', Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:25Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:25Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHTB4-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Tver' Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Tver' ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH69-RIPE tech-c: ERTH69-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-09-27T10:34:04Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:43Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS50498 org: ORG-CHLB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Lipetsk branch descr: Lipetsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:22Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:22Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHLB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Lipetsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Lipetsk ISP address: prospekt Pobedy, 29 address: 398000 Lipetsk address: Russian Federation phone: +7 4742 515 656 fax-no: +7 4742 515 656 admin-c: ERTH48-RIPE tech-c: ERTH48-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2009-12-24T10:29:40Z last-modified: 2019-10-23T11:01:58Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS50542 org: ORG-CHVB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Voronezh branch descr: Voronezh, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:19Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:19Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHVB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Voronezh Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Voronezh ISP address: Vladimira Nevskogo str., 38B address: 394000 Voronezh address: Russian Federation phone: +7 4732 96-02-00 fax-no: +7 4732 96-02-00 admin-c: ERTH36-RIPE tech-c: ERTH36-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2009-12-24T10:29:39Z last-modified: 2019-10-23T11:50:53Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS50543 org: ORG-CHSB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Saratov branch descr: Saratov, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:14Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:14Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHSB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Saratov Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Saratov ISP address: Slonova I.A. str., 1 address: 410000 Saratov address: Russian Federation phone: +7 8452 338-999 fax-no: +7 8452 338-999 abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE admin-c: ERTH64-RIPE tech-c: ERTH64-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2009-12-24T10:29:39Z last-modified: 2019-10-15T08:11:57Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS50544 org: ORG-CHKB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Krasnoyarsk branch descr: Krasnoyarsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-09-28T19:47:38Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:26Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHKB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Krasnoyarsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Krasnoyarsk ISP address: Televisornaya str., 1 building 9 address: 660028 Krasnoyarsk address: Russian Federation phone: +7 391 215-00-22 fax-no: +7 391 215-00-22 admin-c: ERTH23-RIPE tech-c: ERTH23-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2009-12-24T10:29:40Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T13:09:33Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS51035 org: ORG-CHUB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Ufa branch descr: Ufa, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:14Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:14Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHUB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Ufa Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Ufa ISP address: Komsomol'skaya str., 1/1 address: 450001 Ufa address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH2-RIPE tech-c: ERTH2-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-25T09:05:25Z last-modified: 2019-10-24T08:09:11Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS51570 org: ORG-CHSB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Saint-Petersburg branch descr: Saint-Petersburg, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:15Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:15Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHSB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Saint-Petersburg Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Saint-Petersburg ISP address: Kolomyazhsky, 29 address: Saint-Petersburg address: Russian Federation phone: +7-800-333-7000 fax-no: +7-800-333-7000 admin-c: ERTH78-RIPE tech-c: ERTH78-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2010-09-27T05:16:44Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T05:07:58Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS51604 org: ORG-CHYB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Yekaterinburg branch descr: Yekaterinburg, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:21Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:21Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHYB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Yekaterinburg Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Yekaterinburg ISP address: 8th March str., 32A address: Yekaterinburg address: Russian Federation phone: +7-800-333-7000 fax-no: +7-800-333-7000 admin-c: ERTH66-RIPE tech-c: ERTH66-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2010-09-27T05:17:40Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T05:13:07Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS51645 org: ORG-CHIB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Irkutsk branch descr: Irkutsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:18Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:18Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHIB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Irkutsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Irkutsk ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH38-RIPE tech-c: ERTH38-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-06-16T11:29:23Z last-modified: 2019-10-18T09:11:48Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS51819 org: ORG-CHYB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Yaroslavl' branch descr: Yaroslavl', Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:24Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:24Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHYB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Yaroslavl' Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Yaroslavl' ISP address: Moskovsky prospekt, 8 address: Yaroslavl' address: Russian Federation phone: +7-800-333-7000 fax-no: +7-800-333-7000 admin-c: ERTH76-RIPE tech-c: ERTH76-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2010-09-27T05:18:23Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:44Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS52207 org: ORG-CHTB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Tula branch descr: Tula, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:13Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:13Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHTB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Tula Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Tula ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH71-RIPE tech-c: ERTH71-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-25T09:11:43Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:43Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS56330 org: ORG-CHKB4-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Kurgan branch descr: Kurgan, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:23Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:23Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHKB4-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Kurgan Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Kurgan ISP address: Sverdlova str., 24a address: 640003 Kurgan address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH45-RIPE tech-c: ERTH45-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-25T09:03:28Z last-modified: 2019-10-17T06:41:17Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS56377 org: ORG-CHMB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Magnitogorsk branch descr: Magnitogorsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:16Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:16Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHMB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Magnitogorsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Magnitogorsk ISP address: Gertsena str, 6 address: 455000 Magnitogorsk address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: MGSK1-RIPE tech-c: MGSK1-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-25T08:58:10Z last-modified: 2019-11-12T11:11:10Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS56420 org: ORG-CHRB1-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Ryazan' branch descr: Ryazan', Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:20Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:20Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHRB1-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Ryazan' Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Ryazan' ISP address: Vysokovol'tnaya str., 13 address: 390026 Ryazan' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH62-RIPE tech-c: ERTH62-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-01-25T09:07:44Z last-modified: 2019-10-15T08:16:10Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS56981 org: ORG-CHTB3-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Tomsk branch descr: Tomsk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:19Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:19Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHTB3-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Tomsk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Tomsk ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH70-RIPE tech-c: ERTH70-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-06-16T11:29:55Z last-modified: 2019-10-18T13:11:48Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS57026 org: ORG-CHCB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Cheboksary branch descr: Cheboksary, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:22Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:22Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHCB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Cheboksary Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Cheboksary ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH21-RIPE tech-c: ERTH21-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-06-16T11:30:25Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:44Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS57044 org: ORG-CHBB3-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Bryansk branch descr: Bryansk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:17Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:17Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHBB3-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Bryansk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Bryansk ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH32-RIPE tech-c: ERTH32-RIPE abuse-c: RAID1-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-06-16T11:25:20Z last-modified: 2019-10-16T12:06:00Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS57378 org: ORG-CHRB2-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Rostov-na-Donu branch descr: Rostov-na-Donu, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:18Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:18Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHRB2-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Rostov-na-Donu Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Rostov-na-Donu ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH61-RIPE tech-c: ERTH61-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-09-27T10:34:04Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:42Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS59713 org: ORG-CHKB5-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom" Holding" Kursk branch descr: Kursk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2013-02-13T05:44:07Z last-modified: 2013-02-13T05:44:07Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHKB5-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Kursk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Kursk ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH46-RIPE tech-c: ERTH46-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-09-27T10:34:04Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:41Z source: RIPE # Filtered route: origin: AS9049 org: ORG-CHKB5-RIPE descr: CJSC "ER-Telecom" Holding" Kursk branch descr: Kursk, Russia mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2012-11-24T10:16:16Z last-modified: 2012-11-24T10:16:16Z source: RIPE organisation: ORG-CHKB5-RIPE org-name: JSC "ER-Telecom Holding" Kursk Branch org-type: OTHER descr: TM DOM.RU, Kursk ISP address: shosse Kosmonavtov, 111 address: 614099 Perm' address: Russian Federation phone: +7 342 2462 367 fax-no: +7 342 2195 104 admin-c: ERTH46-RIPE tech-c: ERTH46-RIPE mnt-ref: RAID-MNT mnt-by: RAID-MNT created: 2011-09-27T10:34:04Z last-modified: 2016-01-11T11:46:41Z source: RIPE # Filtered
Last check:
09-19-2020 04:02:30
Updated 3yrs 7mos ago

Country additional information

Country Russian Federation
National Capital Moscow
Total area 17.098.242 km²
Population 143.964.709
Currency Code RUB
Currency Name Russian Rouble (₽)
Official language Russian
Code IDD +7