IPv6 AS Names Directory

AS Name Autonomous System Numbers (AS)

GTAnet Networking

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): GTAnet Networking has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:410:8003::/48, 2606:b340::/32
GTAnet Networking is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS549

Dalhousie University

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Dalhousie University has 11 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:410:a000::/47, 2001:410:a003::/48, 2001:410:a004::/46, 2001:410:a008::/45, 2001:410:a010::/45, 2001:410:a018::/46, 2001:410:a01d::/48, 2001:410:a01e::/47, 2001:410:a020::/43, 2001:410:a040::/42, 2001:410:a080::/41
Dalhousie University is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS8111

Chebucto Community Net Society

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Chebucto Community Net Society has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:410:a002::/48
Chebucto Community Net Society is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS399031

St. Francis Xavier University

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): St. Francis Xavier University has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:410:a01c::/48
St. Francis Xavier University is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS40007

RGnet OU

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): RGnet OU has 3 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:418:1::/48, 2001:418:3807::/48, 2001:418:8006::/48
RGnet OU is associated with 3 AS numbers. These are: AS3130, AS3927, AS4128

Shrubbery Networks

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Shrubbery Networks has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:418:3fe::/48
Shrubbery Networks is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS3727

Svensk Teleutveckling & Produktinnovation Stupi AB

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Svensk Teleutveckling & Produktinnovation Stupi AB has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:418:1406::/48, 2001:440:1880::/48
Svensk Teleutveckling & Produktinnovation Stupi AB is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS1880

Internet Awareness Inc.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Internet Awareness Inc. has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:418:1410::/48, 2800:320:853::/48
Internet Awareness Inc. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS2000

Boom Communications

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Boom Communications has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:418:1416::/48, 2602:f950::/36
Boom Communications is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS396350

Job Snijders

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Job Snijders has 5 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:418:144e::/47, 2001:67c:208c::/48, 2001:7fb:fd04::/48, 2607:fae0:245::/48, 2a0e:b240::/29
Job Snijders is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS15562

CatchPoint Systems Inc

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): CatchPoint Systems Inc has 9 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:418:1456:b20::/63, 2001:418:1456:b22::/64, 2001:550:1402::/47, 2001:550:2210::/48, 2001:559:13b::/48, 2001:559:86d2::/47, 2600:805:b00::/48, 2600:809:424::/48, 2620:6d:a000::/48
CatchPoint Systems Inc is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS397601

Skycreek Corporation

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Skycreek Corporation has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:418:1466::/48
Skycreek Corporation is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS396370

Gravity Interactive Inc.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Gravity Interactive Inc. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:418:4005::/48
Gravity Interactive Inc. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS1412

Dimension Data North America Inc.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Dimension Data North America Inc. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:418:9808::/48
Dimension Data North America Inc. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS21778

Cisco Systems Inc.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Cisco Systems Inc. has 17 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:420::/32, 2602:80a:f000::/48, 2602:80a:f001::/48, 2602:80a:f002::/47, 2602:80a:f004::/46, 2602:80a:f008::/45, 2602:80a:f010::/44, 2602:80a:f020::/43, 2602:80a:f040::/42, 2602:80a:f080::/41, 2602:811:9000::/45, 2602:811:9008::/46, 2602:811:900d::/48, 2602:811:900f::/48, 2610:d0::/32, 2620:121::/44, 2620:28:c000::/48
Cisco Systems Inc. is associated with 5 AS numbers. These are: AS109, AS36519, AS3943, AS396922, AS55219

CenturyLink Communications LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): CenturyLink Communications LLC has 338 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:1000::/36, 2001:428:2000::/48, 2001:428:2001:1000::/52, 2001:428:2001:2000::/51, 2001:428:2001:200::/62, 2001:428:2001:204::/64, 2001:428:2001:206::/63, 2001:428:2001:208::/61, 2001:428:2001:210::/60, 2001:428:2001:220::/59, 2001:428:2001:240::/58, 2001:428:2001:280::/57, 2001:428:2001:300::/56, 2001:428:2001:4000::/50, 2001:428:2001:400::/55, 2001:428:2001:600::/56, 2001:428:2001:700::/64, 2001:428:2001:702::/63, 2001:428:2001:704::/62, 2001:428:2001:708::/61, 2001:428:2001:710::/60, 2001:428:2001:720::/59, 2001:428:2001:740::/58, 2001:428:2001:780::/57, 2001:428:2001:8000::/49, 2001:428:2001:800::/53, 2001:428:2001::/55, 2001:428:2002::/47, 2001:428:2004::/46, 2001:428:2008::/45 and 308 more ranges.
CenturyLink Communications LLC is associated with 5 AS numbers. These are: AS209, AS3561, AS4015, AS6223, AS7359

Level 3 Parent LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Level 3 Parent LLC has 381 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:13b0:8000::/44, 2001:13b0:8010::/48, 2001:13b0:8011::/48, 2001:13b0:8012::/48, 2001:13b0:8013::/48, 2001:13b0:8014::/46, 2001:13b0:8018::/48, 2001:13b0:8019::/48, 2001:13b0:801a::/48, 2001:13b0:801b::/48, 2001:13b0:801c::/47, 2001:13b0:801e::/48, 2001:13b0:801f::/48, 2001:13b0:8021::/48, 2001:13b0:8022::/47, 2001:13b0:8024::/46, 2001:13b0:8028::/48, 2001:13b0:8029::/48, 2001:13b0:802a::/47, 2001:13b0:802c::/46, 2001:13b0:8030::/44, 2001:13b0:8040::/42, 2001:13b0:8080::/41, 2001:13b0:8100::/40, 2001:13b0:8200::/39, 2001:13b0:8400::/38, 2001:13b0:8800::/37, 2001:13b0:9000::/36, 2001:13b0::/33, 2001:13b0:a000::/35 and 351 more ranges.
Level 3 Parent LLC is associated with 6 AS numbers. These are: AS1, AS10753, AS203, AS3356, AS3549, AS560

Comptroller of the Currency

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Comptroller of the Currency has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:428:2001:701::/64
Comptroller of the Currency is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS11724

Genealogical Society of Utah

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Genealogical Society of Utah has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:2402:10c::/64, 2620:10e:1000::/44
Genealogical Society of Utah is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS33397


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): BIS has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:2500:14::/64, 2620:128:5000::/40
BIS is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS36281

U. S. Bureau of the Census

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): U. S. Bureau of the Census has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:2500:17::/64, 2610:20:2000::/38
U. S. Bureau of the Census is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS7764

National Science Foundation

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): National Science Foundation has 3 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:2500:1c::/64, 2001:428:9002:f806::/64, 2620:10f:6000::/40
National Science Foundation is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS102

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has 57 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:2500:24::/64, 2001:504:13e::/48, 2601:a000::/32, 2601:a001::/32, 2601:a002::/32, 2601:a003::/32, 2601:a004::/31, 2601:a006::/32, 2601:a007::/32, 2601:a008::/32, 2601:a009::/32, 2601:a00a::/31, 2601:a00c::/30, 2601:a010::/32, 2601:a011::/32, 2601:a012::/31, 2601:a014::/30, 2601:a018::/29, 2601:a020::/27, 2601:a040::/26, 2601:a080::/25, 2601:a100::/24, 2601:a200::/23, 2601:a400::/22, 2601:a800::/21, 2602:810:d004::/46, 2610:20:1000::/40, 2610:20:6b00::/40, 2610:20:8000::/43, 2610:20:8030::/44 and 27 more ranges.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is associated with 5 AS numbers. These are: AS10616, AS11956, AS2648, AS3477, AS6629

Backcountry Broadband LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Backcountry Broadband LLC has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:3801:2a::/64, 2602:fb57::/36
Backcountry Broadband LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS399619

Medtronic Incorporated

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Medtronic Incorporated has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:5002:100::/64, 2620:14a::/36
Medtronic Incorporated is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS13684

NAU Country Insurance Company

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): NAU Country Insurance Company has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:5002:116::/64, 2620:64:a000::/44
NAU Country Insurance Company is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS397277

Cox Communications Inc.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Cox Communications Inc. has 59 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:5803::/48, 2001:578:8000::/40, 2001:578:8100::/40, 2001:578:8200::/39, 2001:578:8400::/38, 2001:578:8800::/37, 2001:578:9000::/36, 2001:578::/33, 2001:578:a000::/35, 2001:578:c000::/34, 2001:579::/32, 2001:57a:1000::/36, 2001:57a:100::/47, 2001:57a:104::/46, 2001:57a:108::/45, 2001:57a:110::/44, 2001:57a:120::/43, 2001:57a:140::/42, 2001:57a:180::/41, 2001:57a:2000::/35, 2001:57a:200::/39, 2001:57a:4000::/34, 2001:57a:400::/38, 2001:57a:8000::/33, 2001:57a:800::/37, 2001:57a::/40, 2001:57b:1001::/48, 2001:57b:1002::/47, 2001:57b:1004::/46, 2001:57b:1008::/45 and 29 more ranges.
Cox Communications Inc. is associated with 3 AS numbers. These are: AS12064, AS15218, AS22773

Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has 3 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:6802:214::/64, 2001:428:6808::/48, 2620:19b::/32
Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS19648


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): USDA-1 has 4 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:428:9002:f807::/64, 2600:1200::/25, 2600:1280::/26, 2600:12c0::/26
USDA-1 is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS4152, AS4155

Lightbound LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Lightbound LLC has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:430::/32
Lightbound LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS7332

Zayo Bandwidth

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Zayo Bandwidth has 117 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:1b70:b3::/48, 2001:438:1000::/36, 2001:438:100::/40, 2001:438:2000::/35, 2001:438:200::/39, 2001:438:20::/45, 2001:438:28::/46, 2001:438:2c::/47, 2001:438:2e::/48, 2001:438:2f::/48, 2001:438:30::/45, 2001:438:38::/47, 2001:438:3a::/47, 2001:438:3c::/46, 2001:438:4000::/34, 2001:438:400::/38, 2001:438:40::/45, 2001:438:48::/47, 2001:438:4b::/48, 2001:438:4c::/46, 2001:438:50::/44, 2001:438:60::/45, 2001:438:68::/46, 2001:438:6c::/47, 2001:438:70::/45, 2001:438:78::/46, 2001:438:7c::/48, 2001:438:7e::/47, 2001:438:8000::/33, 2001:438:800::/37 and 87 more ranges.
Zayo Bandwidth is associated with 5 AS numbers. These are: AS17025, AS19092, AS32703, AS4997, AS6461

Varcomm Broadband Inc.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Varcomm Broadband Inc. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:438:4a::/48
Varcomm Broadband Inc. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS399033

Rubrik Inc

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Rubrik Inc has 3 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:438:6e::/47, 2001:c10:ff02::/48, 2602:fda3::/36
Rubrik Inc is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS397942

NTT Global Data Centers Americas Inc.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): NTT Global Data Centers Americas Inc. has 12 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:438:7d::/48, 2606:9500:1000::/36, 2606:9500:2000::/35, 2606:9500:200::/40, 2606:9500:300::/40, 2606:9500:4000::/36, 2606:9500:400::/38, 2606:9500:5000::/36, 2606:9500:6000::/35, 2606:9500:8000::/33, 2606:9500:800::/37, 2606:9500::/39
NTT Global Data Centers Americas Inc. is associated with 5 AS numbers. These are: AS14427, AS19893, AS26004, AS393423, AS396071


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Sprint has 24 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:440:1000::/37, 2001:440:1800::/41, 2001:440:1881::/48, 2001:440:1882::/47, 2001:440:1884::/46, 2001:440:1888::/45, 2001:440:1890::/44, 2001:440:18a0::/43, 2001:440:18c0::/42, 2001:440:1900::/40, 2001:440:1a00::/39, 2001:440:1c00::/38, 2001:440:2000::/35, 2001:440:4000::/34, 2001:440:8000::/33, 2001:440::/36, 2600:8::/29, 2600::/48, 2a0c:9e06::/32, 2a0e:a944::/30, 2a0e:b107:5c8::/48, 2a0e:ec01::/32, 2a0f:3b80::/30, 2a14:b80::/32
Sprint is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS1239, AS3483

Stealth Communications Services LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Stealth Communications Services LLC has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:458::/32
Stealth Communications Services LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS8002


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Internet2 has 307 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:1000::/39, 2001:468:1200::/47, 2001:468:1203::/48, 2001:468:1204::/46, 2001:468:1208::/45, 2001:468:1210::/44, 2001:468:1220::/43, 2001:468:1240::/42, 2001:468:1280::/41, 2001:468:1300::/40, 2001:468:1400::/38, 2001:468:1b00::/40, 2001:468:1c00::/39, 2001:468:1e00::/40, 2001:468:1f00::/45, 2001:468:1f08::/46, 2001:468:1f0c::/48, 2001:468:1f0d::/48, 2001:468:1f0e::/47, 2001:468:1f10::/47, 2001:468:1f12::/47, 2001:468:1f14::/47, 2001:468:1f16::/48, 2001:468:1f17::/48, 2001:468:1f18::/45, 2001:468:1f20::/47, 2001:468:1f22::/47, 2001:468:1f24::/46, 2001:468:1f28::/45, 2001:468:1f30::/44 and 277 more ranges.
Internet2 is associated with 6 AS numbers. These are: AS11164, AS11537, AS396450, AS396955, AS396961, AS62775

Great Plains Network

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Great Plains Network has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:468:100::/40
Great Plains Network is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS11317

Georgia Institute of Technology

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Georgia Institute of Technology has 6 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:300::/48, 2001:550:5605::/48, 2001:550:9005::/48, 2607:f7b8::/32, 2610:148::/32, 2620:5d::/48
Georgia Institute of Technology is associated with 3 AS numbers. These are: AS10490, AS16619, AS2637

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): University Corporation for Atmospheric Research has 9 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:500::/48, 2001:468:502::/47, 2001:468:504::/46, 2001:468:508::/45, 2001:468:510::/44, 2001:468:520::/43, 2001:468:540::/42, 2001:468:580::/41, 2620:117:2000::/40
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS14041, AS194

University of Colorado at Boulder

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): University of Colorado at Boulder has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:501::/48, 2620:18f::/32
University of Colorado at Boulder is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS104

Harvard University

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Harvard University has 8 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:600::/40, 2001:504:2e::/48, 2602:fca9::/36, 2603:40ff:2000::/36, 2603:40ff:4000::/36, 2603:40ff:6000::/36, 2607:fb60::/32, 2620:32:8000::/48
Harvard University is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS10578, AS1742

Florida International University

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Florida International University has 3 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:700::/48, 2001:468:701::/48, 2800:bc0::/32
Florida International University is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS20080, AS3681

University of Maryland

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): University of Maryland has 13 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:c00::/46, 2001:468:c04::/47, 2001:468:c06::/48, 2001:468:c08::/45, 2001:468:c10::/44, 2001:468:c20::/43, 2001:468:c40::/42, 2001:500:2d::/48, 2605:880:10::/48, 2605:880:20::/48, 2605:880:22::/48, 2605:880:30::/48, 2605:880::/48
University of Maryland is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS10886, AS27

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. has 44 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:c80::/48, 2001:468:c81::/48, 2001:468:c82::/47, 2001:468:c84::/46, 2001:468:c88::/45, 2001:468:c90::/44, 2001:468:ca0::/43, 2001:468:cc1::/48, 2001:468:cc2::/47, 2001:468:cc4::/46, 2001:468:cc8::/45, 2001:468:cd0::/44, 2001:468:ce0::/44, 2001:468:cf0::/44, 2607:b400:1000::/36, 2607:b400:100::/40, 2607:b400:2000::/35, 2607:b400:200::/39, 2607:b400:4000::/34, 2607:b400:400::/38, 2607:b400:8000::/33, 2607:b400:800::/48, 2607:b400:801::/48, 2607:b400:802::/47, 2607:b400:804::/46, 2607:b400:808::/45, 2607:b400:810::/44, 2607:b400:820::/43, 2607:b400:840::/42, 2607:b400:880::/41 and 14 more ranges.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. is associated with 3 AS numbers. These are: AS1312, AS26499, AS40220

The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Tech.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Tech. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:468:cc0::/48
The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Tech. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS3140

University of Oregon

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): University of Oregon has 12 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:d00::/48, 2001:468:d01::/48, 2001:468:d02::/47, 2001:468:d04::/46, 2001:468:d08::/45, 2001:468:d10::/44, 2001:468:d20::/43, 2001:468:d40::/42, 2001:468:d80::/41, 2605:bc80::/32, 2607:8400::/32, 2607:f380:1::118:9a40:3660/123
University of Oregon is associated with 3 AS numbers. These are: AS3582, AS3701, AS4600


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): CENIC has 541 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:e00::/40, 2607:f380:0:0:1000::/68, 2607:f380:0:0:100::/72, 2607:f380:0:0:10::/76, 2607:f380:0:0:1::/80, 2607:f380:0:0:2000::/67, 2607:f380:0:0:200::/71, 2607:f380:0:0:20::/75, 2607:f380:0:0:2::/79, 2607:f380:0:0:4000::/66, 2607:f380:0:0:400::/70, 2607:f380:0:0:40::/74, 2607:f380:0:0:4::/78, 2607:f380:0:0:8000::/65, 2607:f380:0:0:800::/69, 2607:f380:0:0:80::/73, 2607:f380:0:0:8::/77, 2607:f380:0:1000::/52, 2607:f380:0:100::/56, 2607:f380:0:10::/60, 2607:f380:0:1::/64, 2607:f380:0:2000::/51, 2607:f380:0:200::/55, 2607:f380:0:20::/59, 2607:f380:0:2::/63, 2607:f380:0:4000::/50, 2607:f380:0:400::/54, 2607:f380:0:40::/58, 2607:f380:0:4::/62, 2607:f380:0:8000::/49 and 511 more ranges.
CENIC is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS2152, AS2153

DePaul University

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): DePaul University has 3 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:468:1202::/48, 2604:95c0::/32, 2620:0:2250::/48
DePaul University is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS20130


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Magpi has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:468:1800::/40
Magpi is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS10466