IPv6 AS Names Directory

AS Name Autonomous System Numbers (AS)

Routernet Provedor de Acesso Ltda ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Routernet Provedor de Acesso Ltda ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3808::/32
Routernet Provedor de Acesso Ltda ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266451

Eletroinfo Telecomunicacoes Ltda - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Eletroinfo Telecomunicacoes Ltda - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:380c::/32
Eletroinfo Telecomunicacoes Ltda - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266452

Acesso Net Servicos

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Acesso Net Servicos has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3810::/32
Acesso Net Servicos is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266453

Expand Telecom Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Expand Telecom Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3814::/32
Expand Telecom Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266454

JR Net

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): JR Net has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3818::/32
JR Net is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266456

TV Barigui Ltda.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): TV Barigui Ltda. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:381c::/32
TV Barigui Ltda. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266457

Megganet Internet E Informatica Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Megganet Internet E Informatica Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3820::/32
Megganet Internet E Informatica Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266458

Ibrlink Provedor de Banda Larga

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ibrlink Provedor de Banda Larga has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3824::/32
Ibrlink Provedor de Banda Larga is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266459

Netgo Telecomunicacoes do Brasil

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Netgo Telecomunicacoes do Brasil has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3828::/32
Netgo Telecomunicacoes do Brasil is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266460

SW Telecomunicacoes e Informatica Itu Ltda. - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): SW Telecomunicacoes e Informatica Itu Ltda. - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:382c::/32
SW Telecomunicacoes e Informatica Itu Ltda. - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266462

Assistencia Especializade Em Inform Ldta

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Assistencia Especializade Em Inform Ldta has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3830::/32
Assistencia Especializade Em Inform Ldta is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266463

Costa & Silva Ltda - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Costa & Silva Ltda - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3840::/32
Costa & Silva Ltda - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266465

MAXCABO Telecomunicacoes Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): MAXCABO Telecomunicacoes Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3844::/32
MAXCABO Telecomunicacoes Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266466

Guimaraes E Venancio Telecomunicacoes Ltda-ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Guimaraes E Venancio Telecomunicacoes Ltda-ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3848::/32
Guimaraes E Venancio Telecomunicacoes Ltda-ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266467

Acessanet Telecon Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Acessanet Telecon Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:384c::/32
Acessanet Telecon Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266468

Provweb Jander Fortes Lima - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Provweb Jander Fortes Lima - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3850::/32
Provweb Jander Fortes Lima - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266469

GSM Bahia Provedor de Internet Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): GSM Bahia Provedor de Internet Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3854::/32
GSM Bahia Provedor de Internet Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266470

Silva Oliveira Servicos de Informatica Ltda ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Silva Oliveira Servicos de Informatica Ltda ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3858::/32
Silva Oliveira Servicos de Informatica Ltda ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266471

Screen Saver Informatica Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Screen Saver Informatica Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:385c::/32
Screen Saver Informatica Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS262687

Navecom Informatica Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Navecom Informatica Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3864::/32
Navecom Informatica Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266473

Sem Fronteiras Telecomunicacoes Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Sem Fronteiras Telecomunicacoes Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3868::/32
Sem Fronteiras Telecomunicacoes Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266475

Starnet Provedor de Internet Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Starnet Provedor de Internet Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:386c::/32
Starnet Provedor de Internet Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266476

L2K Fibra Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): L2K Fibra Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3870::/32
L2K Fibra Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266477

J Bohrer Provedores de Internet - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): J Bohrer Provedores de Internet - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3874::/32
J Bohrer Provedores de Internet - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266478

Net Ribas Telecomunicacoes

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Net Ribas Telecomunicacoes has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:387c::/32
Net Ribas Telecomunicacoes is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266481

Cianet Telecom

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Cianet Telecom has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3884::/32
Cianet Telecom is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266483

MT Internet Comercio & Servico Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): MT Internet Comercio & Servico Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3888::/32
MT Internet Comercio & Servico Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266484

Isabella Magalhaes Silveira Mello ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Isabella Magalhaes Silveira Mello ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:388c::/32
Isabella Magalhaes Silveira Mello ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266485

Connecta Comercio e Servicos Ltda - EPP

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Connecta Comercio e Servicos Ltda - EPP has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3890::/32
Connecta Comercio e Servicos Ltda - EPP is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266486

ISM Telecom Eireli ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): ISM Telecom Eireli ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3894::/32
ISM Telecom Eireli ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266487

Fatima Aparecida de Almeida - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Fatima Aparecida de Almeida - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:3898::/32
Fatima Aparecida de Almeida - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266488

Zanchet e Paim Telecom Ltda ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Zanchet e Paim Telecom Ltda ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:389c::/32
Zanchet e Paim Telecom Ltda ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266489

Flash Servicos em Fibra Optica Ltda - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Flash Servicos em Fibra Optica Ltda - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38a8::/32
Flash Servicos em Fibra Optica Ltda - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266492

R. L. Hoffmann

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): R. L. Hoffmann has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38ac::/32
R. L. Hoffmann is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266493

J B Rodrigues de Oliveira Eireli - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): J B Rodrigues de Oliveira Eireli - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38b4::/32
J B Rodrigues de Oliveira Eireli - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266496

Ultra Tecnologia Provedor de Internet Ltda ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ultra Tecnologia Provedor de Internet Ltda ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38b8::/32
Ultra Tecnologia Provedor de Internet Ltda ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266497

Universo Fiber Comunicacao Multimidia

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Universo Fiber Comunicacao Multimidia has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2804:38bc::/32, 2804:5eb4::/32
Universo Fiber Comunicacao Multimidia is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266498

HC Telecom Provedor de Internet Eireli-ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): HC Telecom Provedor de Internet Eireli-ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38c0::/32
HC Telecom Provedor de Internet Eireli-ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266499

Surf Telecom S.A.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Surf Telecom S.A. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38c4::/32
Surf Telecom S.A. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266500

Timernet Telecom

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Timernet Telecom has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38cc::/32
Timernet Telecom is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266502

Gtxnet Solucoes Informatizadas

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Gtxnet Solucoes Informatizadas has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38d4::/32
Gtxnet Solucoes Informatizadas is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266504

RJ Tecnologia Provedores do Brasil Ltda - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): RJ Tecnologia Provedores do Brasil Ltda - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38d8::/32
RJ Tecnologia Provedores do Brasil Ltda - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266505

Ponto Com Provedor de Internet

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ponto Com Provedor de Internet has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38dc::/32
Ponto Com Provedor de Internet is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266506

Urai Telecomunicacao Multimidia Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Urai Telecomunicacao Multimidia Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38e0::/32
Urai Telecomunicacao Multimidia Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266507

Ponto Wifi Ltda ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ponto Wifi Ltda ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38e4::/32
Ponto Wifi Ltda ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266508


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Conectmais has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38e8::/32
Conectmais is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266509

Open Computadores Ltda ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Open Computadores Ltda ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38ec::/32
Open Computadores Ltda ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266510

Vips Fibra

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Vips Fibra has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38f0::/32
Vips Fibra is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266513

Antonio J de Albuquerque ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Antonio J de Albuquerque ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38f4::/32
Antonio J de Albuquerque ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266514

Robson Galassi - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Robson Galassi - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:38f8::/32
Robson Galassi - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266515