IPv6 AS Names Directory

AS Name Autonomous System Numbers (AS)

Ponto Sat Conect Eireli ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ponto Sat Conect Eireli ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f60::/32
Ponto Sat Conect Eireli ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263582

Atranet Telecomunicacoes Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Atranet Telecomunicacoes Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f64::/32
Atranet Telecomunicacoes Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263583

Wanhouse Solucoes em Tecnologia Ltda - EPP

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Wanhouse Solucoes em Tecnologia Ltda - EPP has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f68::/32
Wanhouse Solucoes em Tecnologia Ltda - EPP is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263584

Digital Net RJ Telecom Eireli

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Digital Net RJ Telecom Eireli has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f6c::/32
Digital Net RJ Telecom Eireli is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263585

Zaaz Provedor de Internet E Telecomunicacoes Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Zaaz Provedor de Internet E Telecomunicacoes Ltda has 3 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2804:15fc::/32, 2804:71d4::/32, 2804:f70::/32
Zaaz Provedor de Internet E Telecomunicacoes Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS270814

E. M. Fernandes

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): E. M. Fernandes has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f74::/32
E. M. Fernandes is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263586

Sos Informatica

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Sos Informatica has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f78::/32
Sos Informatica is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263587

Caezar Provedor de Internet Eireli

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Caezar Provedor de Internet Eireli has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f7c::/32
Caezar Provedor de Internet Eireli is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS262715

RM Dos Santos Informatica

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): RM Dos Santos Informatica has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f80::/32
RM Dos Santos Informatica is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS61893

MGP Telecom

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): MGP Telecom has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f84::/32
MGP Telecom is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263589

Predlink Rede de Telecomuniccoes Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Predlink Rede de Telecomuniccoes Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f88::/32
Predlink Rede de Telecomuniccoes Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS28665

Stone Telecomunicacoes Ltda ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Stone Telecomunicacoes Ltda ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f8c::/32
Stone Telecomunicacoes Ltda ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263591

Francisco Marques Vieira Goncalves ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Francisco Marques Vieira Goncalves ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f90::/32
Francisco Marques Vieira Goncalves ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263592

Maxxitel Informatica e Telecom Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Maxxitel Informatica e Telecom Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f98::/32
Maxxitel Informatica e Telecom Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263594

ALB Internet & Informatica Ltda - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): ALB Internet & Informatica Ltda - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:f9c::/32
ALB Internet & Informatica Ltda - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263595

GRV Fibra

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): GRV Fibra has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fa0::/32
GRV Fibra is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263596

Super Cabo TV Caratinga Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Super Cabo TV Caratinga Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fa8::/32
Super Cabo TV Caratinga Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS53050

BRX Telecomunicacoes Ltda - EPP

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): BRX Telecomunicacoes Ltda - EPP has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fac::/32
BRX Telecomunicacoes Ltda - EPP is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263598

M.A. Informatica Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): M.A. Informatica Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fb0::/32
M.A. Informatica Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS262841

Globo Net Informatica

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Globo Net Informatica has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fb4::/32
Globo Net Informatica is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263599

Radio Link Telecom

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Radio Link Telecom has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fb8::/32
Radio Link Telecom is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263600

FreeBSD Brasil Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): FreeBSD Brasil Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fbc::/32
FreeBSD Brasil Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS61894

Anderson Marcos Coelho e Cia Ltda - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Anderson Marcos Coelho e Cia Ltda - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fc0::/32
Anderson Marcos Coelho e Cia Ltda - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263601

Ditcom Internet Ltda.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ditcom Internet Ltda. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fc4::/32
Ditcom Internet Ltda. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263602

Athena Telecomunicao Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Athena Telecomunicao Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fc8::/32
Athena Telecomunicao Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263603

Hilton C. Bender Eireli

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Hilton C. Bender Eireli has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fcc::/32
Hilton C. Bender Eireli is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263604

Datacenter Serv Ger E Infra Ti Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Datacenter Serv Ger E Infra Ti Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fd4::/32
Datacenter Serv Ger E Infra Ti Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263606

WSNET Telecom Ltda ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): WSNET Telecom Ltda ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fdc::/32
WSNET Telecom Ltda ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263608

Nippontec Telecomunicacoes

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Nippontec Telecomunicacoes has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fe0::/32
Nippontec Telecomunicacoes is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263049

Webby Tecnologia Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Webby Tecnologia Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:fec::/32
Webby Tecnologia Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS262493

Free Way Tecnologia

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Free Way Tecnologia has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:ff0::/32
Free Way Tecnologia is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263609

Speedservice Telecomunicacoes Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Speedservice Telecomunicacoes Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:ff4::/32
Speedservice Telecomunicacoes Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS53218

Zum Telecom Ltda- ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Zum Telecom Ltda- ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:ff8::/32
Zum Telecom Ltda- ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263611

IP Carrier Telecom

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): IP Carrier Telecom has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:ffc::/32
IP Carrier Telecom is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263612

Superline Telecomunicacoes Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Superline Telecomunicacoes Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1000::/32
Superline Telecomunicacoes Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS28208

RVA Telecom Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): RVA Telecom Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1004::/32
RVA Telecom Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263614

Local Int Acesso A Internet Eireli

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Local Int Acesso A Internet Eireli has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1008::/32
Local Int Acesso A Internet Eireli is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263615

Dez Solucoes em Telecomunicacoes Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Dez Solucoes em Telecomunicacoes Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:100c::/32
Dez Solucoes em Telecomunicacoes Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263616

ValeOnline Provedor de Internet e Servicos Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): ValeOnline Provedor de Internet e Servicos Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1010::/32
ValeOnline Provedor de Internet e Servicos Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263617

Joani Pereira da Silva

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Joani Pereira da Silva has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1014::/32
Joani Pereira da Silva is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263618

Net Vale Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Net Vale Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:101c::/32
Net Vale Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS53043

Sertaonet Internet Provider Ltda-ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Sertaonet Internet Provider Ltda-ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1024::/32
Sertaonet Internet Provider Ltda-ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263620

Gox Internet

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Gox Internet has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:102c::/32
Gox Internet is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263623

Companhia Naciona para Inclusao Digital

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Companhia Naciona para Inclusao Digital has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1030::/32
Companhia Naciona para Inclusao Digital is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS53163

Computec Telecom Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Computec Telecom Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1034::/32
Computec Telecom Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263624

New World Ponto Com Informatica Ltda - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): New World Ponto Com Informatica Ltda - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1038::/32
New World Ponto Com Informatica Ltda - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263625

Telecom Informatica LTDA - ME

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Telecom Informatica LTDA - ME has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1040::/32
Telecom Informatica LTDA - ME is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263626

Wnetsistem Comercio e Servicos de Informatica Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Wnetsistem Comercio e Servicos de Informatica Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1044::/32
Wnetsistem Comercio e Servicos de Informatica Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263627

Adwave Telecom Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Adwave Telecom Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:1048::/32
Adwave Telecom Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263628

Master Tecnologia

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Master Tecnologia has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2804:104c::/32
Master Tecnologia is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263629