IPv6 AS Names Directory

AS Name Autonomous System Numbers (AS)

Ariel Antigua

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ariel Antigua has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2803:9c0::/40, 2a0c:b641:3d0::/44
Ariel Antigua is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS207036

Elias Comunicaciones SRL

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Elias Comunicaciones SRL has 8 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2803:9c0:1000::/36, 2803:9c0:100::/40, 2803:9c0:2000::/35, 2803:9c0:200::/39, 2803:9c0:4000::/34, 2803:9c0:400::/38, 2803:9c0:8000::/33, 2803:9c0:800::/37
Elias Comunicaciones SRL is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS265695

Servicios Convergentes del Oeste S.r.l.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Servicios Convergentes del Oeste S.r.l. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:9e0::/32
Servicios Convergentes del Oeste S.r.l. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS271888

Sociedad Cooperativa Popular Limitada de Comodoro

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Sociedad Cooperativa Popular Limitada de Comodoro has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:a00::/32
Sociedad Cooperativa Popular Limitada de Comodoro is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS52381

ParboNet N.V.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): ParboNet N.V. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:a10::/32
ParboNet N.V. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS265822

Red Centroamericana de Telecomunicaciones

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Red Centroamericana de Telecomunicaciones has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:a40::/32
Red Centroamericana de Telecomunicaciones is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263817

Novacom Tic S.A.S

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Novacom Tic S.A.S has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:a50::/32
Novacom Tic S.A.S is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS273174

Netcomm Argentina SRL

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Netcomm Argentina SRL has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:a60::/32
Netcomm Argentina SRL is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS267878

Asociacion de Cooperativas Electricas Y Servicios Publicos Reg Oeste Acero Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Asociacion de Cooperativas Electricas Y Servicios Publicos Reg Oeste Acero Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:a90::/32
Asociacion de Cooperativas Electricas Y Servicios Publicos Reg Oeste Acero Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS272873

Interbis Telecomunicaciones SpA

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Interbis Telecomunicaciones SpA has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:aa0::/32
Interbis Telecomunicaciones SpA is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266864

Pronto Comunicaciones Limitada

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Pronto Comunicaciones Limitada has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:ac0::/32
Pronto Comunicaciones Limitada is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS264854

Campos Farias Guilherme

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Campos Farias Guilherme has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:ae0::/32
Campos Farias Guilherme is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS269930

Conectamos Soluciones S.A.S.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Conectamos Soluciones S.A.S. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:b10::/32
Conectamos Soluciones S.A.S. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS272072

Martin Maximiliano Sinturion Stationet

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Martin Maximiliano Sinturion Stationet has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:b20::/32
Martin Maximiliano Sinturion Stationet is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266735

Dardo Rene Schroder

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Dardo Rene Schroder has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:b40::/32
Dardo Rene Schroder is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS264702

Loch Tel SRL Golochtel

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Loch Tel SRL Golochtel has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:b60::/32
Loch Tel SRL Golochtel is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS269797

Shadwell International Inc

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Shadwell International Inc has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:b80::/32
Shadwell International Inc is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS27930

Transcorporacion S.A.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Transcorporacion S.A. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:ba0::/32
Transcorporacion S.A. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS267756

Intercorp S.R.L.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Intercorp S.R.L. has 16 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2803:be0:8000::/36, 2803:be0:9000::/37, 2803:be0:9800::/40, 2803:be0:9900::/41, 2803:be0:9980::/44, 2803:be0:9990::/46, 2803:be0:9995::/48, 2803:be0:9996::/47, 2803:be0:9998::/45, 2803:be0:99a0::/43, 2803:be0:99c0::/42, 2803:be0:9a00::/39, 2803:be0:9c00::/38, 2803:be0::/33, 2803:be0:a000::/35, 2803:be0:c000::/34
Intercorp S.R.L. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS270080

M & B Soluciones Peru S.A.C. FASTNET

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): M & B Soluciones Peru S.A.C. FASTNET has 42 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2803:b0e0:4000::/35, 2803:b0e0:6000::/36, 2803:b0e0:7001::/48, 2803:b0e0:7002::/47, 2803:b0e0:7004::/46, 2803:b0e0:7008::/45, 2803:b0e0:7010::/44, 2803:b0e0:7020::/43, 2803:b0e0:7040::/42, 2803:b0e0:7080::/41, 2803:b0e0:7100::/40, 2803:b0e0:7200::/39, 2803:b0e0:7400::/38, 2803:b0e0:7800::/37, 2803:b0e0:8000::/45, 2803:b0e0:8008::/46, 2803:b0e0:800c::/48, 2803:b0e0:800e::/47, 2803:b0e0:8010::/44, 2803:b0e0:8020::/43, 2803:b0e0:8040::/42, 2803:b0e0:8080::/41, 2803:b0e0:8100::/40, 2803:b0e0:8200::/39, 2803:b0e0:8400::/38, 2803:b0e0:8800::/37, 2803:b0e0:9000::/37, 2803:b0e0:9800::/40, 2803:b0e0:9900::/41, 2803:b0e0:9980::/44 and 12 more ranges.
M & B Soluciones Peru S.A.C. FASTNET is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS269862

Horus Sistemas Informaticos SRL

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Horus Sistemas Informaticos SRL has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:c00::/32
Horus Sistemas Informaticos SRL is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS262230

Mario Benavides Servicio de Television por Cable E.I.R.L Cablevision del sur

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Mario Benavides Servicio de Television por Cable E.I.R.L Cablevision del sur has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:c10::/32
Mario Benavides Servicio de Television por Cable E.I.R.L Cablevision del sur is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS271867

C & C Vision S.A.S

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): C & C Vision S.A.S has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:c20::/32
C & C Vision S.A.S is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS272093

Red Y Comunicaciones Reycom del Sur Sociedad Anonima

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Red Y Comunicaciones Reycom del Sur Sociedad Anonima has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:c50::/32
Red Y Comunicaciones Reycom del Sur Sociedad Anonima is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS273139

Mediter S.R.L.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Mediter S.R.L. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:c80::/32
Mediter S.R.L. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263192

Cibernet S.A.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Cibernet S.A. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:c90::/32
Cibernet S.A. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS272832

Mongelos Arce Marcialdelta Networks

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Mongelos Arce Marcialdelta Networks has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:ca0::/32
Mongelos Arce Marcialdelta Networks is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266831

C Y M Internet S.r.l.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): C Y M Internet S.r.l. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:ce0::/32
C Y M Internet S.r.l. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS269897

U Mobile Cellular Inc.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): U Mobile Cellular Inc. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:d00::/32
U Mobile Cellular Inc. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS52433

Quintas.net S.R.L

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Quintas.net S.R.L has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:d10::/32
Quintas.net S.R.L is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS272035

Infinitum S.A.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Infinitum S.A. has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2803:d20::/32, 2803:e1c0::/32
Infinitum S.A. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS265684

Hostnet SpA

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Hostnet SpA has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:d60::/32
Hostnet SpA is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS269774

Cable Cauca Comunicaciones S.A.S.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Cable Cauca Comunicaciones S.A.S. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:d90::/32
Cable Cauca Comunicaciones S.A.S. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS272987

Sircom S.r.l.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Sircom S.r.l. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:da0::/32
Sircom S.r.l. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS267735

Enzo Raul Galvan

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Enzo Raul Galvan has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:dc0::/32
Enzo Raul Galvan is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS265719

Ne. Sar. SRL

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ne. Sar. SRL has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:de0::/32
Ne. Sar. SRL is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS270043

Servicios Informaticos Hostname Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Servicios Informaticos Hostname Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:e00::/32
Servicios Informaticos Hostname Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS262256

IBM Argentina S.R.L

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): IBM Argentina S.R.L has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:e40::/32
IBM Argentina S.R.L is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS27797

Acolme Tech SRL

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Acolme Tech SRL has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:e50::/32
Acolme Tech SRL is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS273217

Ifranet S.A

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ifranet S.A has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:e60::/32
Ifranet S.A is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS267913

Bansat S.A.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Bansat S.A. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:e80::/32
Bansat S.A. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263227

Hiltec SRL

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Hiltec SRL has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:e90::/32
Hiltec SRL is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS272908

TLink SpA

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): TLink SpA has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:ec0::/32
TLink SpA is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS265662

Ipared S.A.S.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ipared S.A.S. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:ee0::/32
Ipared S.A.S. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS269978

Telecable Dominicano S.A.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Telecable Dominicano S.A. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:f10::/32
Telecable Dominicano S.A. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS272112

Intelcom Telecomunicaciones Chile Ltda

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Intelcom Telecomunicaciones Chile Ltda has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:f20::/32
Intelcom Telecomunicaciones Chile Ltda is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS266765

MDS Telecom C.A.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): MDS Telecom C.A. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:f60::/32
MDS Telecom C.A. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS269832

Red Uno SRL

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Red Uno SRL has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:f80::/32
Red Uno SRL is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS263726

Integrados S&S.net SAS

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Integrados S&S.net SAS has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:f90::/32
Integrados S&S.net SAS is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS273071

Godoy Hernan Martin Cehom

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Godoy Hernan Martin Cehom has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2803:fa0::/32
Godoy Hernan Martin Cehom is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS267785