IPv6 AS Names Directory

AS Name Autonomous System Numbers (AS)

Freifunk Regensburg E.V.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Freifunk Regensburg E.V. has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:ddc::/48, 2001:678:e64::/48
Freifunk Regensburg E.V. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212989

Maximilian Baehring

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Maximilian Baehring has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:de0::/48
Maximilian Baehring is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS21158

Gregor Radtke

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Gregor Radtke has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:de4::/48
Gregor Radtke is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS57632

Bastien Durel

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Bastien Durel has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:de8::/48
Bastien Durel is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212834

ScaleUp Technologies GmbH & Co. KG

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): ScaleUp Technologies GmbH & Co. KG has 11 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:df0::/48, 2001:67c:2e78::/48, 2a00:12e8::/32, 2a00:1c38::/47, 2a00:1c39::/32, 2a02:358::/32, 2a0b:2a41::/32, 2a0b:2a42::/31, 2a0b:2a44::/30, 2a0e:37c0::/32, 2a0e:7b80::/29
ScaleUp Technologies GmbH & Co. KG is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS29014

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State Institute of A Radio Engineering Electronics and Automatics (MIREA)

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State Institute of A Radio Engineering Electronics and Automatics (MIREA) has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:df4::/48, 2001:b08:14::/48
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State Institute of A Radio Engineering Electronics and Automatics (MIREA) is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS212899, AS28800

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:dfc::/48
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS49248

Thomas Menari

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Thomas Menari has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e00::/48
Thomas Menari is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS44471

Benjamin Vandendriessche

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Benjamin Vandendriessche has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e04::/48
Benjamin Vandendriessche is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212810

Vaskiani Ventures Limited

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Vaskiani Ventures Limited has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e08::/48
Vaskiani Ventures Limited is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS204453

Gaetan Ferez

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Gaetan Ferez has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e0c::/48
Gaetan Ferez is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212783

Tim Zuidema Trading As Tizu

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Tim Zuidema Trading As Tizu has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e20::/48
Tim Zuidema Trading As Tizu is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS210882

Tietoevry Banking Latvia SIA

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Tietoevry Banking Latvia SIA has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e24::/48
Tietoevry Banking Latvia SIA is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212717

Netzwerge GmbH

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Netzwerge GmbH has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:e28::/48, 2a01:55e0::/30
Netzwerge GmbH is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS199938


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): DWDM.RU LLC has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e2c::/48
DWDM.RU LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS59698

Dmitrii Vladimirovich Malkov

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Dmitrii Vladimirovich Malkov has 12 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:e30::/48, 2a06:c3c0:1::/48, 2a0a:2e80::/29, 2a0d:3043:8c97::/48, 2a0f:c086::/32, 2a11:7e40::/29, 2a11:8480::/29, 2a11:df40::/29, 2a12:6700::/29, 2a12:6940::/32, 2a12:6943::/32, 2a12:6944::/30
Dmitrii Vladimirovich Malkov is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS48108

Blocka AB

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Blocka AB has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e34::/48
Blocka AB is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212515

D-Conect LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): D-Conect LLC has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e38::/48
D-Conect LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212651

Artikel10 E.V.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Artikel10 E.V. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e3c::/48
Artikel10 E.V. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS208169

Hosttech GmbH

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Hosttech GmbH has 5 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:e44::/48, 2001:67c:3d4::/48, 2a11:8b81::/32, 2a11:8b82::/31, 2a11:8b84::/30
Hosttech GmbH is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS207143

BSE Software GmbH

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): BSE Software GmbH has 8 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:1680::/29, 2001:678:e48::/48, 2a01:bf00:2000::/35, 2a01:bf00:4000::/34, 2a01:bf00:8000::/33, 2a01:bf00::/36, 2a04:a2c0::/32, 2a04:e702:97f::/48
BSE Software GmbH is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS9044

Live Comm LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Live Comm LLC has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e4c::/48
Live Comm LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212622

Fashion Digital GmbH & Co.KG

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Fashion Digital GmbH & Co.KG has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e50::/48
Fashion Digital GmbH & Co.KG is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS43241


IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): CoProSys has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:e54::/48, 2a02:da8::/32
CoProSys is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS39906

Adminos GmbH

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Adminos GmbH has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e58::/48
Adminos GmbH is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212586

Fiberdom Sp. z o.o.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Fiberdom Sp. z o.o. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e5c::/48
Fiberdom Sp. z o.o. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212570

Bastian Schlecht

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Bastian Schlecht has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e60::/48
Bastian Schlecht is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212596

Freie Netze Muenchen e.V.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Freie Netze Muenchen e.V. has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:e68::/48, 2001:678:ed0::/48
Freie Netze Muenchen e.V. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212567

SecurityTrails LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): SecurityTrails LLC has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:e70::/48, 2a10:b640::/29
SecurityTrails LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS211607

Telekomunikacja Wschod sp. z o.o.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Telekomunikacja Wschod sp. z o.o. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e74::/48
Telekomunikacja Wschod sp. z o.o. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS196994

Bartlomiej Kos

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Bartlomiej Kos has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e78::/48
Bartlomiej Kos is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS41225

VIP-Telecom LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): VIP-Telecom LLC has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e84::/48
VIP-Telecom LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS57418

Petrol d.d. Ljubljana

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Petrol d.d. Ljubljana has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e88::/48
Petrol d.d. Ljubljana is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212548

Robin Boucquet

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Robin Boucquet has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e8c::/48
Robin Boucquet is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212518

A1 Telekom Austria AG

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): A1 Telekom Austria AG has 16 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:4bb8::/29, 2001:678:e90::/48, 2001:67c:211c::/48, 2001:67c:2588::/48, 2001:67c:2604::/48, 2001:67c:2aa4::/48, 2001:67c:5fc::/48, 2001:850::/29, 2001:870::/29, 2001:890:8000::/34, 2001:890::/33, 2001:890:c000::/34, 2001:891::/32, 2001:892::/31, 2001:894::/30, 2a14:2c0::/29
A1 Telekom Austria AG is associated with 2 AS numbers. These are: AS8447, AS8562

Link Telecom Service Ltd

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Link Telecom Service Ltd has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e94::/48
Link Telecom Service Ltd is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212695

Tobias Heinlein

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Tobias Heinlein has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:e98::/48
Tobias Heinlein is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212495

Archidiecezja Lubelska

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Archidiecezja Lubelska has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:ea0::/48
Archidiecezja Lubelska is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS48992

Romain Lecat

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Romain Lecat has 6 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:ea8::/48, 2001:678:eac::/48, 2001:67c:1788::/48, 2001:67c:2888::/48, 2001:67c:288c::/48, 2a11:900::/29
Romain Lecat is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS209295

Chojin Corp Association Declaree

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Chojin Corp Association Declaree has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:eb0::/48
Chojin Corp Association Declaree is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212351

SPD Chernega Aleksandr Anatolevich

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): SPD Chernega Aleksandr Anatolevich has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:eb4::/48
SPD Chernega Aleksandr Anatolevich is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS56400

Ser.I.tel. (Servizi Ed Impianti Per Telecomunicazioni) SRL

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Ser.I.tel. (Servizi Ed Impianti Per Telecomunicazioni) SRL has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:eb8::/48
Ser.I.tel. (Servizi Ed Impianti Per Telecomunicazioni) SRL is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212349

Media Service Center LLC

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Media Service Center LLC has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:ebc::/48
Media Service Center LLC is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212300

Universitatea TRANSILVANIA Brasov

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Universitatea TRANSILVANIA Brasov has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:ecc::/48
Universitatea TRANSILVANIA Brasov is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS25304

Sander Ruitenbeek Trading as NKHN

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Sander Ruitenbeek Trading as NKHN has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:ed4::/48
Sander Ruitenbeek Trading as NKHN is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS203151

Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH has 2 network ranges IPv6 (CIDR). Including: 2001:678:ee0::/48, 2001:67c:6c4::/48
Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS38914

IP Petrosyan Maksim Markslenovich

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): IP Petrosyan Maksim Markslenovich has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:ee4::/48
IP Petrosyan Maksim Markslenovich is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212206

Teleradiocompany Bytradiotehnika Ltd.

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Teleradiocompany Bytradiotehnika Ltd. has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:ee8::/48
Teleradiocompany Bytradiotehnika Ltd. is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS47349

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education M.I.Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education M.I.Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:eec::/48
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education M.I.Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS56374

Fop Sharoyko Artem

IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs): Fop Sharoyko Artem has 1 network range IPv6 (CIDR). The range is: 2001:678:efc::/48
Fop Sharoyko Artem is associated with 1 AS number. The AS number is: AS212135