IPv6 AS Names Directory: AS Name AT&T Corp.
AT&T Corp. - IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs)
AT&T Corp. has 49 IPv6 network ranges (CIDR).
Including: 2001:4b8::/32, 2001:506:1000::/36, 2001:506:6000::/35, 2600:381:3900::/40, 2600:387:14::/48, 2602:80a:e000::/44, 2602:fbdc:10::/44, 2602:fbdc:20::/43, 2602:fbdc:40::/42, 2602:fbdc:80::/41, 2602:fbdc:8::/48, 2602:fbdc:9::/48, 2602:fbdc::/45, 2602:fbdc:a::/47, 2602:fbdc:c::/46, 2604:f980:2100::/44, 2604:f980:2500::/44, 2604:f980:2600::/40, 2604:f980:2d00::/40, 2604:f980:3000::/36, 2604:f980:4240::/44, 2604:f980:4300::/44, 2604:f980:4360::/44, 2604:f980:4380::/43, 2604:f980:4480::/44, 2604:f980:4500::/44, 2604:f980:5100::/40, 2607:9bc0:1030::/44, 2607:f9a8::/32, 2610:20:3080::/42, 2610:e8:1000::/37, 2610:e8:1800::/40, 2610:e8:1902::/47, 2610:e8:1904::/46, 2610:e8:1908::/45, 2610:e8:1910::/44, 2610:e8:1920::/43, 2610:e8:1940::/42, 2610:e8:1980::/41, 2610:e8:1a00::/39, 2610:e8:1c00::/38, 2610:e8:2000::/35, 2610:e8:4000::/34, 2610:e8:8000::/33, 2610:e8::/36, 2620:0:610::/48, 2620:0:6e0::/48, 2620:0:900::/48, 2620:10f:b000::/48
This information corresponds to IPv6 addresses for AS Name AT&T Corp., but this AS Name also has associated IPv4 address ranges.
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AT&T Corp. - Autonomous System Numbers (AS)
AT&T Corp. is associated with 8 AS numbers.
These are: AS13965, AS14654, AS1698, AS19957, AS2685, AS3423, AS4185, AS4473
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