IPv6 AS Names Directory: AS Name AT&T Comunicaciones Digitales S de RL
AT&T Comunicaciones Digitales S de RL - IPv6 Network Ranges (CIDRs)
AT&T Comunicaciones Digitales S de RL has 50 IPv6 network ranges (CIDR).
Including: 2806:288:1000::/39, 2806:288:1200::/39, 2806:288:1400::/38, 2806:288:1800::/37, 2806:288:2000::/37, 2806:288:2800::/39, 2806:288:2a00::/40, 2806:288:2b00::/40, 2806:288:2c00::/38, 2806:288:3000::/36, 2806:288:4000::/44, 2806:288:4010::/48, 2806:288:4011::/48, 2806:288:4012::/47, 2806:288:4014::/46, 2806:288:4018::/45, 2806:288:4020::/43, 2806:288:4040::/47, 2806:288:4042::/47, 2806:288:4044::/46, 2806:288:4048::/45, 2806:288:4050::/48, 2806:288:4051::/48, 2806:288:4052::/47, 2806:288:4054::/46, 2806:288:4058::/45, 2806:288:4060::/43, 2806:288:4080::/48, 2806:288:4081::/48, 2806:288:4082::/47, 2806:288:4084::/46, 2806:288:4088::/45, 2806:288:4090::/48, 2806:288:4091::/48, 2806:288:4092::/48, 2806:288:4093::/48, 2806:288:4094::/47, 2806:288:4096::/48, 2806:288:4097::/48, 2806:288:4098::/45, 2806:288:40a0::/43, 2806:288:40c0::/42, 2806:288:4100::/40, 2806:288:4200::/39, 2806:288:4400::/38, 2806:288:4800::/37, 2806:288:5000::/36, 2806:288:6000::/35, 2806:288:8000::/33, 2806:288::/36
This information corresponds to IPv6 addresses for AS Name AT&T Comunicaciones Digitales S de RL, but this AS Name also has associated IPv4 address ranges.
Check the IPv4 data for this AS Name
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AT&T Comunicaciones Digitales S de RL - Autonomous System Numbers (AS)
AT&T Comunicaciones Digitales S de RL is associated with 2 AS numbers.
These are: AS28384, AS28469
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