Market Cap CN¥18.73T -3.07%
Volume 24h CN¥1.15T 39.82%
BTC % 50.83% 0.63%
ETH % 16.22% -0.74%
Coins 27.577 +29
Exchanges 885
Last update 23 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h CNY Capitalization CNY
Dec-20 2018 CN¥0.042992 CN¥0.042992 CN¥0.042992 CN¥0.042992 - CN¥12,226,079
Dec-19 2018 CN¥0.042992 CN¥0.041651 CN¥0.043925 CN¥0.041909 - CN¥12,226,079
Dec-18 2018 CN¥0.041791 CN¥0.039603 CN¥0.041905 CN¥0.039721 CN¥2,862 CN¥11,884,679
Dec-17 2018 CN¥0.039842 CN¥0.034005 CN¥0.039975 CN¥0.035202 CN¥1,087 CN¥11,330,460
Dec-16 2018 CN¥0.035218 CN¥0.035155 CN¥0.038068 CN¥0.036896 CN¥1,275 CN¥10,015,544
Dec-15 2018 CN¥0.036974 CN¥0.036041 CN¥0.038672 CN¥0.038485 CN¥496 CN¥10,514,770
Dec-14 2018 CN¥0.038382 CN¥0.033149 CN¥0.039647 CN¥0.033424 CN¥4,370 CN¥10,915,281
Dec-13 2018 CN¥0.033233 CN¥0.033233 CN¥0.036997 CN¥0.036858 CN¥683 CN¥9,450,909
Dec-12 2018 CN¥0.036411 CN¥0.035107 CN¥0.039399 CN¥0.036162 CN¥2,330 CN¥10,354,553
Dec-11 2018 CN¥0.036145 CN¥0.031411 CN¥0.039517 CN¥0.031612 CN¥8,381 CN¥10,279,143
Dec-10 2018 CN¥0.031616 CN¥0.031582 CN¥0.03423 CN¥0.033748 CN¥676 CN¥8,990,989
Dec-09 2018 CN¥0.033836 CN¥0.031714 CN¥0.035571 CN¥0.032846 CN¥4,943 CN¥9,622,498
Dec-08 2018 CN¥0.032923 CN¥0.028676 CN¥0.034509 CN¥0.028676 CN¥27,768 CN¥9,362,637
Dec-07 2018 CN¥0.028624 CN¥0.024818 CN¥0.028624 CN¥0.026948 CN¥8,267 CN¥8,140,236
Dec-06 2018 CN¥0.026905 CN¥0.026905 CN¥0.031918 CN¥0.031633 CN¥435 CN¥7,651,388

Historical and market price analysis of Zephyr (ZEPH), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Chinese Yuan, analyzing 402 days, from day 05-06-2023.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 7.1078 CNY.