Market Cap $2.45T -0.21%
Volume 24h $92.43B -50.27%
BTC % 52.88% 0.15%
ETH % 12.99% -0.61%
Coins 28.915 +5
Exchanges 885
Last update 38 Seconds ago
Stox STX

Stox (STX) Price & Volume in different Markets and Exchanges
USD Dollar - USD

Stox STX

Stox - STX Price per Exchange and Market
Stox Markets, Price and Volume in : USD Dollar $ & BTC

Market Pair Currency
Price USD $ Price BTC Vol 24h
Vol 24h
STX/USDT Stox Tether $1.4690 Ƀ0.00003366 $265,506 Ƀ6.08 High 9mos 1w ago
PayBito PayBito
STX/ETH Stox Ethereum $1.4582 Ƀ0.00003339 $527 Ƀ0.01 Low 9mos 1w ago
PayBito PayBito
STX/USDT Stox Tether $1.4607 Ƀ0.00003345 $494 Ƀ0.01 Low 9mos 1w ago
PayBito PayBito
STX/BTC Stox Bitcoin $1.4581 Ƀ0.00003339 $274 Ƀ0.01 Low 9mos 1w ago
PayBito PayBito
STX/USD Stox US Dollars $1.4560 Ƀ0.00003334 $52 Ƀ0.00 Low 9mos 1w ago
Giottus Giottus
STX/USDT Stox Tether $0.544024 Ƀ0.00001267 $3 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
STX/BTC Stox Bitcoin $1.2043 Ƀ0.00002760 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
Liquid Liquid
STX/JPY Stox Japanese Yen $0.313454 Ƀ0.00000718 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
Liquid Liquid
STX/USDT Stox Tether $0.198356 Ƀ0.00000454 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago

Stox price, details and volume in 4 Markets and Exchanges - 9 Pairs

Exchange & Markets: Giottus, HitBTC HitBTC, Liquid, PayBito