Market Cap RM12.76T 0.5%
Volume 24h RM426.05B -70.2%
BTC % 49.23% -0.36%
ETH % 16.92% 0.41%
Coins 27.426 +4
Exchanges 885
Last update 3 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h MYR Capitalization MYR
Mar-13 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 - RM586,180
Mar-12 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 - RM586,180
Mar-11 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 - RM586,180
Mar-10 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 - RM586,180
Mar-09 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 - RM586,180
Mar-08 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 - RM586,180
Mar-07 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 - RM586,180
Mar-06 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 RM0.059988 - RM586,180
Mar-05 2020 RM0.059988 RM0.057703 RM0.060204 RM0.057703 - RM586,180
Mar-04 2020 RM0.057697 RM0.057352 RM0.058268 RM0.057864 RM4,327 RM563,791
Mar-03 2020 RM0.057867 RM0.057339 RM0.060332 RM0.060015 RM4,340 RM565,459
Mar-02 2020 RM0.059979 RM0.057764 RM0.060408 RM0.058036 RM5,398 RM586,088
Mar-01 2020 RM0.058041 RM0.057305 RM0.058621 RM0.058621 RM5,224 RM567,154
Feb-29 2020 RM0.058621 RM0.058621 RM0.059926 RM0.059007 RM4,397 RM572,824
Feb-28 2020 RM0.059021 RM0.057865 RM0.060707 RM0.060439 RM4,427 RM576,729

Historical and market price analysis of Soma (SCT), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Malaysian Ringgit, analyzing 798 days, from day 03-26-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 4.7075 MYR.