Market Cap zł9.77T 0.66%
Volume 24h zł500.11B -45.03%
BTC % 49.99% 0.02%
ETH % 16.74% -0.29%
Coins 27.843 +31
Exchanges 885
Last update 49 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h PLN Capitalization PLN
Feb-28 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-27 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-26 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-25 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-24 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-23 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-22 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-21 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-20 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 zł0.00316441 - zł4,746,618
Feb-19 2020 zł0.00316441 zł0.00313783 zł0.00318049 zł0.00318049 - zł4,746,618
Feb-18 2020 zł0.003178 zł0.00277165 zł0.00319363 zł0.00311287 zł7,291 zł4,767,007
Feb-17 2020 zł0.00311121 zł0.00255867 zł0.00330529 zł0.00303529 zł2,103 zł4,666,819
Feb-16 2020 zł0.00304269 zł0.00260498 zł0.00318731 zł0.00277242 zł23,781 zł4,564,043
Feb-15 2020 zł0.00276986 zł0.00266614 zł0.00354436 zł0.00320534 zł8,248 zł4,154,801
Feb-14 2020 zł0.00320534 zł0.00214351 zł0.00378361 zł0.00345427 zł18,752 zł4,808,021

Historical and market price analysis of SDChain (SDA), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Polish Zloty, analyzing 577 days, from day 11-27-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 4.02751 PLN.