Market Cap $2.45T -0.3%
Volume 24h $143.85B -22.37%
BTC % 52.91% 0.43%
ETH % 13.04% -0.07%
Coins 28.909 +15
Exchanges 885
Last update 5 Seconds ago
DexKit KIT

DexKit (KIT) Price & Volume in different Markets and Exchanges
USD Dollar - USD

DexKit KIT

DexKit - KIT Price per Exchange and Market
DexKit Markets, Price and Volume in : USD Dollar $ & BTC

Market Pair Currency
Price USD $ Price BTC Vol 24h
Vol 24h
Bilaxy Bilaxy
KIT/ETH DexKit Ethereum $0.302243 Ƀ0.00000692 $28,688 Ƀ0.66 High 9mos 1w ago
Uniswap V2 Uniswap V2
KIT/WETH DexKit WETH $0.288217 Ƀ0.00000701 $152 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
Uniswap V3 (Polygon Network) Uniswap V3 (Polygon Network)
USDC/KIT USD Coin DexKit $1.1202 Ƀ0.00002565 $23 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
Uniswap V3 (Polygon Network) Uniswap V3 (Polygon Network)
WMATIC/KIT Wrapped Matic DexKit $0.870285 Ƀ0.00001993 $10 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
PancakeSwap V2 PancakeSwap V2
KIT/WBNB DexKit Wrapped BNB $0.211887 Ƀ0.00000506 $6 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago

DexKit price, details and volume in 4 Markets and Exchanges - 5 Pairs

Exchange & Markets: Bilaxy, PancakeSwap V2, Uniswap V2, Uniswap V3 (Polygon Network)