Market Cap ฿94.54T -1.28%
Volume 24h ฿5.81T 48.82%
BTC % 51.08% 1.19%
ETH % 16.47% -0.91%
Coins 27.701 +28
Exchanges 885
Last update 3 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h THB Capitalization THB
Oct-23 2020 ฿0.031323 ฿0.030921 ฿0.031323 ฿0.031213 - ฿634,055
Oct-22 2020 ฿0.031213 ฿0.029516 ฿0.031693 ฿0.029585 - ฿631,833
Oct-21 2020 ฿0.029585 ฿0.027815 ฿0.030221 ฿0.027846 - ฿598,875
Oct-20 2020 ฿0.027846 ฿0.02773 ฿0.028723 ฿0.02866 - ฿563,673
Oct-19 2020 ฿0.02866 ฿0.02819 ฿0.028916 ฿0.02853 - ฿580,163
Oct-18 2020 ฿0.028531 ฿0.02777 ฿0.028559 ฿0.027824 - ฿577,537
Oct-17 2020 ฿0.027824 ฿0.027495 ฿0.027893 ฿0.027626 - ฿563,244
Oct-16 2020 ฿0.027626 ฿0.027352 ฿0.028667 ฿0.028472 - ฿559,233
Oct-15 2020 ฿0.028472 ฿0.028013 ฿0.028756 ฿0.028626 - ฿576,355
Oct-14 2020 ฿0.028626 ฿0.028226 ฿0.029215 ฿0.028755 - ฿579,473
Oct-13 2020 ฿0.028755 ฿0.028332 ฿0.029248 ฿0.029248 - ฿582,080
Oct-12 2020 ฿0.029248 ฿0.027658 ฿0.029806 ฿0.028299 - ฿592,067
Oct-11 2020 ฿0.028299 ฿0.027898 ฿0.028457 ฿0.027984 - ฿572,843
Oct-10 2020 ฿0.027984 ฿0.02756 ฿0.028534 ฿0.027578 - ฿566,469
Oct-09 2020 ฿0.027578 ฿0.026267 ฿0.027783 ฿0.02646 - ฿558,258

Historical and market price analysis of Daneel (DAN), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Thai Baht, analyzing 918 days, from day 12-12-2021.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 36.824 THB.