Market Cap MX$46.58T -3.77%
Volume 24h MX$3.05T 49.97%
BTC % 51.3% 1.85%
ETH % 16.45% -1.7%
Coins 27.701 +28
Exchanges 885
Last update 3 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h MXN Capitalization MXN
Oct-23 2020 MX$0.015762 MX$0.01556 MX$0.015762 MX$0.015707 - MX$319,078
Oct-22 2020 MX$0.015707 MX$0.014853 MX$0.015949 MX$0.014888 - MX$317,960
Oct-21 2020 MX$0.014888 MX$0.013997 MX$0.015208 MX$0.014013 - MX$301,375
Oct-20 2020 MX$0.014013 MX$0.013954 MX$0.014454 MX$0.014423 - MX$283,660
Oct-19 2020 MX$0.014423 MX$0.014186 MX$0.014551 MX$0.014357 - MX$291,958
Oct-18 2020 MX$0.014357 MX$0.013974 MX$0.014372 MX$0.014002 - MX$290,637
Oct-17 2020 MX$0.014002 MX$0.013836 MX$0.014037 MX$0.013902 - MX$283,444
Oct-16 2020 MX$0.013902 MX$0.013764 MX$0.014426 MX$0.014328 - MX$281,425
Oct-15 2020 MX$0.014328 MX$0.014097 MX$0.014471 MX$0.014405 - MX$290,042
Oct-14 2020 MX$0.014405 MX$0.014204 MX$0.014702 MX$0.01447 - MX$291,611
Oct-13 2020 MX$0.01447 MX$0.014257 MX$0.014719 MX$0.014719 - MX$292,923
Oct-12 2020 MX$0.014719 MX$0.013918 MX$0.014999 MX$0.014241 - MX$297,948
Oct-11 2020 MX$0.014241 MX$0.014039 MX$0.014321 MX$0.014082 - MX$288,274
Oct-10 2020 MX$0.014082 MX$0.013869 MX$0.014359 MX$0.013878 - MX$285,066
Oct-09 2020 MX$0.013878 MX$0.013218 MX$0.013981 MX$0.013315 - MX$280,934

Historical and market price analysis of Daneel (DAN), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Mexican Peso, analyzing 918 days, from day 12-13-2021.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 18.5311 MXN.