Market Cap R43.91T -1.26%
Volume 24h R1.58T -35.94%
BTC % 49.78% 0.48%
ETH % 16.84% -0.83%
Coins 27.889 +7
Exchanges 885
Last update 3 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h ZAR Capitalization ZAR
Oct-23 2020 R0.0007557 R0.00074605 R0.0007557 R0.00075315 - R154,935
Oct-22 2020 R0.00075315 R0.0007122 R0.00076462 R0.00071384 - R154,392
Oct-21 2020 R0.00071384 R0.00067107 R0.00072913 R0.00067179 - R146,339
Oct-20 2020 R0.00067179 R0.00066906 R0.00069309 R0.00069145 - R137,737
Oct-19 2020 R0.00069145 R0.00068017 R0.00069764 R0.00068836 - R141,766
Oct-18 2020 R0.00068836 R0.00066997 R0.00068908 R0.00067143 - R141,124
Oct-17 2020 R0.00067143 R0.00066342 R0.00067307 R0.00066652 - R137,632
Oct-16 2020 R0.00066652 R0.00065996 R0.00069163 R0.0006869 - R136,652
Oct-15 2020 R0.0006869 R0.00067598 R0.00069382 R0.00069072 - R140,836
Oct-14 2020 R0.00069072 R0.00068108 R0.00070492 R0.00069382 - R141,598
Oct-13 2020 R0.00069382 R0.00068362 R0.00070565 R0.00070565 - R142,235
Oct-12 2020 R0.00070565 R0.00066724 R0.00071912 R0.00068271 - R144,675
Oct-11 2020 R0.00068271 R0.00067307 R0.00068654 R0.00067525 - R139,978
Oct-10 2020 R0.00067525 R0.00066506 R0.00068854 R0.00066542 - R138,420
Oct-09 2020 R0.00066542 R0.00063375 R0.00067034 R0.00063849 - R136,414

Historical and market price analysis of Crowdholding (YUP), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in South African Rand, analyzing 837 days, from day 03-15-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 18.201 ZAR.