Market Cap Bs.88.45T 0.65%
Volume 24h Bs.4.70T -52.91%
BTC % 49.95% -0.06%
ETH % 16.78% -0.29%
Coins 27.834 +28
Exchanges 885
Last update 2 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h VES Capitalization VES
Oct-23 2020 Bs.0.00150801 Bs.0.00148876 Bs.0.00150801 Bs.0.00150293 - Bs.309,175
Oct-22 2020 Bs.0.00150293 Bs.0.00142121 Bs.0.00152581 Bs.0.00142448 - Bs.308,091
Oct-21 2020 Bs.0.00142448 Bs.0.00133912 Bs.0.00145499 Bs.0.00134058 - Bs.292,021
Oct-20 2020 Bs.0.00134058 Bs.0.00133513 Bs.0.00138307 Bs.0.0013798 - Bs.274,856
Oct-19 2020 Bs.0.0013798 Bs.0.00135728 Bs.0.00139215 Bs.0.00137363 - Bs.282,896
Oct-18 2020 Bs.0.00137363 Bs.0.00133695 Bs.0.00137508 Bs.0.00133985 - Bs.281,614
Oct-17 2020 Bs.0.00133985 Bs.0.00132387 Bs.0.00134312 Bs.0.00133004 - Bs.274,646
Oct-16 2020 Bs.0.00133004 Bs.0.00131697 Bs.0.00138017 Bs.0.00137072 - Bs.272,690
Oct-15 2020 Bs.0.00137072 Bs.0.00134893 Bs.0.00138453 Bs.0.00137835 - Bs.281,039
Oct-14 2020 Bs.0.00137835 Bs.0.0013591 Bs.0.00140668 Bs.0.00138453 - Bs.282,560
Oct-13 2020 Bs.0.00138453 Bs.0.00136419 Bs.0.00140813 Bs.0.00140813 - Bs.283,831
Oct-12 2020 Bs.0.00140813 Bs.0.0013315 Bs.0.00143501 Bs.0.00136237 - Bs.288,701
Oct-11 2020 Bs.0.00136237 Bs.0.00134312 Bs.0.00137 Bs.0.00134748 - Bs.279,327
Oct-10 2020 Bs.0.00134748 Bs.0.00132714 Bs.0.00137399 Bs.0.00132787 - Bs.276,219
Oct-09 2020 Bs.0.00132787 Bs.0.00126467 Bs.0.00133767 Bs.0.00127411 - Bs.272,215

Historical and market price analysis of Crowdholding (YUP), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Venezuelan Bolivar Soberano, analyzing 837 days, from day 03-12-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 36.32031 VES.