Market Cap NZ$3.96T -1.26%
Volume 24h NZ$142.17B -35.94%
BTC % 49.78% 0.48%
ETH % 16.84% -0.83%
Coins 27.889 +7
Exchanges 885
Last update 20 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h NZD Capitalization NZD
Oct-23 2020 NZ$0.00006817 NZ$0.0000673 NZ$0.00006817 NZ$0.00006794 - NZ$13,978
Oct-22 2020 NZ$0.00006794 NZ$0.00006425 NZ$0.00006898 NZ$0.0000644 - NZ$13,929
Oct-21 2020 NZ$0.0000644 NZ$0.00006054 NZ$0.00006578 NZ$0.0000606 - NZ$13,202
Oct-20 2020 NZ$0.0000606 NZ$0.00006036 NZ$0.00006252 NZ$0.00006238 - NZ$12,426
Oct-19 2020 NZ$0.00006238 NZ$0.00006136 NZ$0.00006293 NZ$0.0000621 - NZ$12,790
Oct-18 2020 NZ$0.0000621 NZ$0.00006044 NZ$0.00006216 NZ$0.00006057 - NZ$12,732
Oct-17 2020 NZ$0.00006057 NZ$0.00005985 NZ$0.00006072 NZ$0.00006013 - NZ$12,417
Oct-16 2020 NZ$0.00006013 NZ$0.00005954 NZ$0.00006239 NZ$0.00006197 - NZ$12,328
Oct-15 2020 NZ$0.00006197 NZ$0.00006098 NZ$0.00006259 NZ$0.00006231 - NZ$12,706
Oct-14 2020 NZ$0.00006231 NZ$0.00006144 NZ$0.00006359 NZ$0.00006259 - NZ$12,775
Oct-13 2020 NZ$0.00006259 NZ$0.00006167 NZ$0.00006366 NZ$0.00006366 - NZ$12,832
Oct-12 2020 NZ$0.00006366 NZ$0.00006019 NZ$0.00006487 NZ$0.00006159 - NZ$13,052
Oct-11 2020 NZ$0.00006159 NZ$0.00006072 NZ$0.00006193 NZ$0.00006091 - NZ$12,628
Oct-10 2020 NZ$0.00006091 NZ$0.00006 NZ$0.00006211 NZ$0.00006003 - NZ$12,488
Oct-09 2020 NZ$0.00006003 NZ$0.00005717 NZ$0.00006047 NZ$0.0000576 - NZ$12,307

Historical and market price analysis of Crowdholding (YUP), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in New Zealand Dollar, analyzing 837 days, from day 03-15-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 1.64204 NZD.