Market Cap zł11.05T 1.84%
Volume 24h zł636.76B -6.34%
BTC % 49.97% -0.14%
ETH % 16.42% -1.27%
Coins 27.467 +20
Exchanges 885
Last update 6 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h PLN Capitalization PLN
Aug-30 2020 zł0.00193816 zł0.00193511 zł0.00194022 zł0.00194022 zł59 -
Aug-29 2020 zł0.00193982 zł0.00193515 zł0.00194101 zł0.00193978 zł59 -
Aug-22 2020 zł0.00194061 zł0.00193649 zł0.00194469 zł0.00193649 - -
Aug-21 2020 zł0.0019401 zł0.00193372 zł0.00194568 zł0.00194041 - -
Aug-20 2020 zł0.00193974 zł0.00193748 zł0.00194382 zł0.00194037 zł59 -
Aug-19 2020 zł0.00194073 zł0.00193471 zł0.00194699 zł0.0019401 - -
Aug-18 2020 zł0.00194026 zł0.0019374 zł0.00194481 zł0.00193915 - -
Aug-16 2020 zł0.00193816 zł0.00193614 zł0.00194223 zł0.00193859 - -
Aug-15 2020 zł0.00193784 zł0.00193507 zł0.00194176 zł0.00193978 - -
Aug-14 2020 zł0.00193974 zł0.00193733 zł0.00194536 zł0.00194227 zł59 -
Aug-13 2020 zł0.00194085 zł0.0019378 zł0.00194461 zł0.00193942 zł59 -
Aug-12 2020 zł0.00193839 zł0.00193432 zł0.00193875 zł0.00193669 zł59 -
Aug-11 2020 zł0.00193685 zł0.00193285 zł0.00194196 zł0.00194097 zł59 -
Aug-10 2020 zł0.00194093 zł0.00193824 zł0.00195439 zł0.00193934 zł59 -
Aug-09 2020 zł0.00193966 zł0.00193677 zł0.00194699 zł0.00194117 zł59 -

Historical and market price analysis of CariNet (CIT), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Polish Zloty, analyzing 694 days, from day 07-11-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 3.95923 PLN.