Market Cap RM11.52T 1.19%
Volume 24h RM391.50B 1.78%
BTC % 49.97% 0.36%
ETH % 16.8% -0.23%
Coins 27.891 +2
Exchanges 885
Last update 1 minute ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h MYR Capitalization MYR
Aug-30 2020 RM0.00230935 RM0.00230572 RM0.00231181 RM0.00231181 RM71 -
Aug-29 2020 RM0.00231133 RM0.00230577 RM0.00231275 RM0.00231129 RM71 -
Aug-22 2020 RM0.00231228 RM0.00230737 RM0.00231714 RM0.00230737 - -
Aug-21 2020 RM0.00231166 RM0.00230407 RM0.00231832 RM0.00231204 - -
Aug-20 2020 RM0.00231124 RM0.00230855 RM0.0023161 RM0.00231199 RM71 -
Aug-19 2020 RM0.00231242 RM0.00230525 RM0.00231987 RM0.00231166 - -
Aug-18 2020 RM0.00231185 RM0.00230846 RM0.00231728 RM0.00231053 - -
Aug-16 2020 RM0.00230935 RM0.00230695 RM0.00231421 RM0.00230987 - -
Aug-15 2020 RM0.00230898 RM0.00230567 RM0.00231365 RM0.00231129 - -
Aug-14 2020 RM0.00231124 RM0.00230836 RM0.00231794 RM0.00231426 RM71 -
Aug-13 2020 RM0.00231256 RM0.00230893 RM0.00231704 RM0.00231086 RM71 -
Aug-12 2020 RM0.00230964 RM0.00230478 RM0.00231006 RM0.00230761 RM71 -
Aug-11 2020 RM0.0023078 RM0.00230303 RM0.00231388 RM0.0023127 RM71 -
Aug-10 2020 RM0.00231266 RM0.00230945 RM0.00232869 RM0.00231077 RM71 -
Aug-09 2020 RM0.00231115 RM0.0023077 RM0.00231987 RM0.00231294 RM71 -

Historical and market price analysis of CariNet (CIT), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Malaysian Ringgit, analyzing 694 days, from day 08-06-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 4.7175 MYR.