Market Cap AU$4.11T -0.38%
Volume 24h AU$231.57B 4.03%
BTC % 49.79% 0.22%
ETH % 16.57% -0.96%
Coins 27.453 +16
Exchanges 885
Last update 3 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h AUD Capitalization AUD
Aug-30 2020 AU$0.00073714 AU$0.00073598 AU$0.00073793 AU$0.00073793 AU$23 -
Aug-29 2020 AU$0.00073778 AU$0.000736 AU$0.00073823 AU$0.00073776 AU$23 -
Aug-22 2020 AU$0.00073808 AU$0.00073651 AU$0.00073963 AU$0.00073651 - -
Aug-21 2020 AU$0.00073788 AU$0.00073546 AU$0.00074001 AU$0.000738 - -
Aug-20 2020 AU$0.00073775 AU$0.00073689 AU$0.0007393 AU$0.00073799 AU$23 -
Aug-19 2020 AU$0.00073812 AU$0.00073583 AU$0.0007405 AU$0.00073788 - -
Aug-18 2020 AU$0.00073794 AU$0.00073686 AU$0.00073967 AU$0.00073752 - -
Aug-16 2020 AU$0.00073714 AU$0.00073638 AU$0.00073869 AU$0.00073731 - -
Aug-15 2020 AU$0.00073702 AU$0.00073597 AU$0.00073851 AU$0.00073776 - -
Aug-14 2020 AU$0.00073775 AU$0.00073683 AU$0.00073988 AU$0.00073871 AU$23 -
Aug-13 2020 AU$0.00073817 AU$0.00073701 AU$0.0007396 AU$0.00073763 AU$23 -
Aug-12 2020 AU$0.00073723 AU$0.00073568 AU$0.00073737 AU$0.00073659 AU$23 -
Aug-11 2020 AU$0.00073665 AU$0.00073513 AU$0.00073859 AU$0.00073821 AU$23 -
Aug-10 2020 AU$0.0007382 AU$0.00073717 AU$0.00074332 AU$0.0007376 AU$23 -
Aug-09 2020 AU$0.00073772 AU$0.00073662 AU$0.0007405 AU$0.00073829 AU$23 -

Historical and market price analysis of CariNet (CIT), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Australian Dollar, analyzing 694 days, from day 07-11-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 1.50583 AUD.