Market Cap CN¥17.63T 0.47%
Volume 24h CN¥544.31B -54.62%
BTC % 50% 0.6%
ETH % 16.78% -0.41%
Coins 27.890 +1
Exchanges 885
Last update 2 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h CNY Capitalization CNY
Nov-14 2020 CN¥0.0023219 CN¥0.00229414 CN¥0.00237175 CN¥0.00237175 CN¥22 CN¥385
Nov-13 2020 CN¥0.00237124 CN¥0.0023256 CN¥0.00237575 CN¥0.00236209 CN¥22 CN¥385
Nov-12 2020 CN¥0.00002136 CN¥0.00002042 CN¥0.00002863 CN¥0.00002063 - -
Nov-11 2020 CN¥0.00002063 CN¥0.00001947 CN¥0.00002906 CN¥0.00002906 - -
Oct-28 2020 CN¥0.00096938 CN¥0.00096938 CN¥0.00100579 CN¥0.00099256 - CN¥160
Oct-27 2020 CN¥0.00099293 CN¥0.00097171 CN¥0.00100012 CN¥0.00097374 - CN¥160
Sep-16 2020 CN¥0.00080223 CN¥0.00077672 CN¥0.00080478 CN¥0.00078428 - CN¥124
Sep-15 2020 CN¥0.00078421 CN¥0.00078326 CN¥0.0007901 CN¥0.00078908 - CN¥124
Sep-04 2020 CN¥0.0022764 CN¥0.00221252 CN¥0.00229196 CN¥0.0022211 - CN¥363
Sep-03 2020 CN¥0.00222844 CN¥0.00221223 CN¥0.00235169 CN¥0.00233142 - CN¥378
Jun-03 2020 CN¥0.0000058865 CN¥0.0000058865 CN¥0.0000062498 CN¥0.0000062498 - -
Jun-02 2020 CN¥0.0000062498 CN¥0.0000061772 CN¥0.0000062498 CN¥0.0000062498 - -
May-19 2020 CN¥0.00016998 CN¥0.0001537 CN¥0.00018081 CN¥0.00015719 - CN¥22
May-18 2020 CN¥0.00015733 CN¥0.00015682 CN¥0.00016395 CN¥0.00016351 - CN¥22
Apr-18 2020 CN¥0.00051525 CN¥0.00051205 CN¥0.00052048 CN¥0.00051779 CN¥7 CN¥80

Historical and market price analysis of Blacer Coin (BLCR), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Chinese Yuan, analyzing 363 days, from day 07-03-2023.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 7.2673 CNY.