Market Cap Bs.90.68T -0.58%
Volume 24h Bs.4.36T -13.55%
BTC % 50.74% 0.07%
ETH % 17.06% -0.17%
Coins 27.785 +15
Exchanges 885
Last update 29 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h VES Capitalization VES
Jun-14 2023 Bs.0.000000753 Bs.0.0000007497 Bs.0.0000007538 Bs.0.0000007497 - -
Jun-13 2023 Bs.0.0000007497 Bs.0.0000007479 Bs.0.0000007977 Bs.0.0000007977 Bs.2,795 -
Jun-12 2023 Bs.0.0000007977 Bs.0.0000007873 Bs.0.0000008023 Bs.0.0000008007 - -
Jun-11 2023 Bs.0.0000008004 Bs.0.0000007962 Bs.0.0000012825 Bs.0.0000012825 Bs.20,771 -
Jun-10 2023 Bs.0.0000012824 Bs.0.000001259 Bs.0.0000013313 Bs.0.000001259 Bs.6,162 -
Jun-09 2023 Bs.0.0000012591 Bs.0.0000012519 Bs.0.0000015434 Bs.0.0000015419 Bs.5,545 -
Jun-08 2023 Bs.0.000001542 Bs.0.0000013504 Bs.0.0000041892 Bs.0.0000041884 Bs.111,299 -
Jun-07 2023 Bs.0.0000041882 Bs.0.0000018769 Bs.0.00001304 Bs.0.0000024881 Bs.1,704,349 -

Historical and market price analysis of Wanted (WANTED), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Venezuelan Bolivar Soberano, analyzing 8 days, from day 06-14-2024.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 36.32796 VES.