Market Cap Rp44,315.01T -3.42%
Volume 24h Rp3,330.25T 26.15%
BTC % 50.23% 0.67%
ETH % 16.3% 0.06%
Coins 27.541 +23
Exchanges 885
Last update 50 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h IDR Capitalization IDR
Mar-24 2021 Rp0.928103 Rp0.87618 Rp0.932009 Rp0.890992 - Rp34,211,000,786
Mar-23 2021 Rp0.891317 Rp0.87032 Rp0.911338 Rp0.887573 - Rp32,858,380,476
Mar-22 2021 Rp0.887736 Rp0.883667 Rp0.951704 Rp0.936241 - Rp32,722,372,837
Mar-21 2021 Rp0.936241 Rp0.911663 Rp0.956587 Rp0.9491 - Rp34,509,868,226
Mar-20 2021 Rp0.949425 Rp0.947472 Rp0.977096 Rp0.949751 - Rp34,996,630,487
Mar-19 2021 Rp0.949425 Rp0.921917 Rp0.968469 Rp0.941775 - Rp35,001,348,480
Mar-18 2021 Rp0.941775 Rp0.883016 Rp0.978561 Rp0.958215 - Rp34,717,095,816
Mar-17 2021 Rp0.957889 Rp0.887573 Rp0.959842 Rp0.924522 - Rp35,308,283,190
Mar-16 2021 Rp0.924359 Rp0.871785 Rp0.924685 Rp0.910035 - Rp34,071,801,918
Mar-15 2021 Rp0.910035 Rp0.901571 Rp0.985397 Rp0.965214 - Rp33,543,645,638
Mar-14 2021 Rp0.966028 Rp0.966028 Rp1.0026 Rp0.9967 - Rp35,609,825,071
Mar-13 2021 Rp0.9967 Rp0.915081 Rp1.0039 Rp0.933148 - Rp36,746,982,381
Mar-12 2021 Rp0.933637 Rp0.901409 Rp0.944054 Rp0.940799 - Rp34,415,717,517
Mar-11 2021 Rp0.94031 Rp0.887085 Rp0.945519 Rp0.911663 - Rp34,660,862,891
Mar-10 2021 Rp0.912314 Rp0.86739 Rp0.931521 Rp0.892131 - Rp33,632,059,099

Historical and market price analysis of Vites (VITES), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Indonesian Rupiah, analyzing 862 days, from day 01-28-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 16276.8 IDR.