Market Cap R50.57T -0.23%
Volume 24h R2.06T 4.7%
BTC % 50.68% 0.31%
ETH % 16.36% -0.06%
Coins 27.571 +27
Exchanges 885
Last update 58 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h ZAR Capitalization ZAR
Dec-24 2020 R182.25 R1.7617 R184.21 R1.8973 R6,139,074 R15,455,633
Dec-23 2020 R1.9158 R1.4931 R3.4615 R3.1619 R32,605 R25,757,007
Dec-22 2020 R3.0888 R3.0787 R4.7283 R4.5928 R29,305 R37,413,360
Dec-21 2020 R4.6639 R4.2009 R6.992 R6.839 R34,161 R55,712,144
Dec-20 2020 R6.838 R6.817 R8.195 R8.195 R10,687 R66,760,614
Dec-19 2020 R8.192 R8.046 R9.682 R9.502 R22,911 R77,409,784
Dec-18 2020 R9.553 R9.386 R12.60 R10.28 R13,031 R83,766,929
Dec-17 2020 R10.73 R8.862 R12.70 R10.00 R23,305 R81,473,164
Dec-16 2020 R10.14 R7.854 R10.70 R7.923 R11,999 R64,545,689
Dec-15 2020 R8.143 R7.139 R8.947 R8.306 R16,012 R67,662,877
Dec-14 2020 R8.308 R7.859 R8.453 R7.991 R9,206 R65,099,875
Dec-13 2020 R8.049 R7.678 R8.452 R7.864 R9,618 R64,065,506
Dec-12 2020 R7.867 R7.070 R8.288 R7.174 R21,186 R58,442,595
Dec-11 2020 R7.178 R7.025 R7.586 R7.586 R7,931 R61,800,071
Dec-10 2020 R7.605 R7.492 R7.987 R7.987 R10,106 R65,067,364

Historical and market price analysis of TaaS (TAAS), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in South African Rand, analyzing 1365 days, from day 09-14-2020.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 18.7491 ZAR.