Market Cap RM12.73T -0.4%
Volume 24h RM522.89B 6.01%
BTC % 50.71% 0.43%
ETH % 16.35% -0.12%
Coins 27.572 +28
Exchanges 885
Last update 25 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h MYR Capitalization MYR
Dec-24 2020 RM45.89 RM0.443618 RM46.38 RM0.477744 RM1,545,811 RM3,891,709
Dec-23 2020 RM0.482416 RM0.375964 RM0.871614 RM0.796167 RM8,210 RM6,485,582
Dec-22 2020 RM0.777764 RM0.775223 RM1.1905 RM1.1564 RM7,379 RM9,420,637
Dec-21 2020 RM1.1743 RM1.0577 RM1.7607 RM1.7221 RM8,602 RM14,028,248
Dec-20 2020 RM1.7218 RM1.7165 RM2.0636 RM2.0636 RM2,691 RM16,810,239
Dec-19 2020 RM2.0629 RM2.0260 RM2.4380 RM2.3927 RM5,769 RM19,491,687
Dec-18 2020 RM2.4055 RM2.3634 RM3.1742 RM2.5892 RM3,281 RM21,092,408
Dec-17 2020 RM2.7024 RM2.2315 RM3.1980 RM2.5183 RM5,868 RM20,514,841
Dec-16 2020 RM2.5557 RM1.9778 RM2.6951 RM1.9951 RM3,021 RM16,252,524
Dec-15 2020 RM2.0504 RM1.7977 RM2.2529 RM2.0915 RM4,032 RM17,037,428
Dec-14 2020 RM2.0921 RM1.9788 RM2.1284 RM2.0122 RM2,318 RM16,392,067
Dec-13 2020 RM2.0269 RM1.9333 RM2.1283 RM1.9803 RM2,422 RM16,131,615
Dec-12 2020 RM1.9809 RM1.7804 RM2.0870 RM1.8065 RM5,335 RM14,715,772
Dec-11 2020 RM1.8076 RM1.7690 RM1.9102 RM1.9102 RM1,997 RM15,561,181
Dec-10 2020 RM1.9151 RM1.8866 RM2.0112 RM2.0112 RM2,545 RM16,383,881

Historical and market price analysis of TaaS (TAAS), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Malaysian Ringgit, analyzing 1365 days, from day 09-14-2020.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 4.721 MYR.