Market Cap AU$3.82T 0.26%
Volume 24h AU$173.38B -53.77%
BTC % 50.64% -0.31%
ETH % 17.18% 0.4%
Coins 27.751 +25
Exchanges 885
Last update 2 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h AUD Capitalization AUD
Jan-12 2021 AU$0.00010313 AU$0.00010135 AU$0.00010628 AU$0.00010628 - AU$7,489
Jan-11 2021 AU$0.00010639 AU$0.00009175 AU$0.00011161 AU$0.00011146 - AU$7,855
Jan-10 2021 AU$0.00017738 AU$0.00017585 AU$0.00018596 AU$0.00018095 - AU$12,751
Jan-09 2021 AU$0.00018111 AU$0.00017471 AU$0.00018597 AU$0.00017988 - AU$12,676
Jan-08 2021 AU$0.00017384 AU$0.00016573 AU$0.00017819 AU$0.00017711 - AU$12,251
Jan-07 2021 AU$0.00017703 AU$0.00016415 AU$0.00017918 AU$0.00016583 - AU$12,476
Jan-06 2021 AU$0.00016591 AU$0.00015076 AU$0.00016591 AU$0.00015289 - AU$11,691
Jan-05 2021 AU$0.0001531 AU$0.00013595 AU$0.00015491 AU$0.00014379 - AU$10,789
Jan-04 2021 AU$0.0001438 AU$0.00012921 AU$0.00015043 AU$0.0001473 - AU$10,134
Jan-03 2021 AU$0.00014769 AU$0.00014419 AU$0.00015569 AU$0.00014455 - AU$10,407
Jan-02 2021 AU$0.00014431 AU$0.00013086 AU$0.00014916 AU$0.00013214 - AU$10,170
Jan-01 2021 AU$0.00013211 AU$0.00012957 AU$0.00013316 AU$0.0001305 - AU$9,310
Dec-31 2020 AU$0.0001305 AU$0.00012687 AU$0.00013155 AU$0.00012974 - AU$9,197
Dec-30 2020 AU$0.00012971 AU$0.00012308 AU$0.00013017 AU$0.00012309 - AU$9,141
Dec-29 2020 AU$0.00012309 AU$0.0001169 AU$0.00012312 AU$0.00012183 - AU$8,675

Historical and market price analysis of Simmitri (SIM), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Australian Dollar, analyzing 827 days, from day 03-16-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 1.49956 AUD.