Market Cap Bs.98.42T -0.58%
Volume 24h Bs.3.94T
BTC % 50.53% 0.47%
ETH % 16.36% 0.24%
Coins 27.542 +3
Exchanges 885
Last update 2 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h VES Capitalization VES
Jun-14 2021 Bs.3.4499 Bs.3.3473 Bs.3.4865 Bs.3.4004 Bs.37 -
Jun-13 2021 Bs.3.3969 Bs.3.1513 Bs.3.4357 Bs.3.2295 - -
Jun-12 2021 Bs.3.2296 Bs.3.0885 Bs.3.3269 Bs.3.1941 - -
Jun-11 2021 Bs.3.1935 Bs.3.1548 Bs.3.3945 Bs.3.3724 - -
Jun-10 2021 Bs.3.3735 Bs.3.2695 Bs.3.6416 Bs.3.5371 - -
Jun-09 2021 Bs.3.5441 Bs.3.2961 Bs.3.5623 Bs.3.4227 - -
Jun-08 2021 Bs.3.4226 Bs.3.1664 Bs.3.5665 Bs.3.5253 - -
Jun-07 2021 Bs.3.5308 Bs.3.5009 Bs.3.8931 Bs.3.7239 - -
Jun-06 2021 Bs.3.7218 Bs.3.5436 Bs.3.7659 Bs.3.5436 Bs.26,455 -
Jun-05 2021 Bs.3.5552 Bs.3.4655 Bs.3.9126 Bs.3.7380 Bs.18,055 -
Jun-04 2021 Bs.3.7504 Bs.3.5538 Bs.3.9635 Bs.3.9528 - -
Jun-03 2021 Bs.3.9522 Bs.3.7961 Bs.4.2330 Bs.4.0369 Bs.37,920 -
Jun-02 2021 Bs.4.0362 Bs.3.8024 Bs.4.1643 Bs.3.9110 - -
Jun-01 2021 Bs.3.9113 Bs.3.7651 Bs.4.3526 Bs.4.3179 Bs.36,807 -
May-31 2021 Bs.4.3168 Bs.3.6494 Bs.4.3194 Bs.3.8214 - -

Historical and market price analysis of Moon Juice (JUICE), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Venezuelan Bolivar Soberano, analyzing 263 days, from day 09-20-2023.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 36.43332 VES.