Market Cap Rp39,829.56T 0.8%
Volume 24h Rp1,300.67T -16.45%
BTC % 49.94% 0.38%
ETH % 16.82% -0.17%
Coins 27.891 +2
Exchanges 885
Last update 10 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h IDR Capitalization IDR
Dec-17 2021 Rp0.00561964 Rp0.00559839 Rp0.00563763 Rp0.00560493 Rp4,692,579 -
Dec-16 2021 Rp0.00561147 Rp0.00560983 Rp0.00590087 Rp0.00584528 Rp4,692,579 -
Dec-15 2021 Rp0.00585346 Rp0.00536131 Rp0.00646169 Rp0.00641264 Rp21,909,603 -
Dec-14 2021 Rp0.0064012 Rp0.00621317 Rp0.00663991 Rp0.00652709 Rp7,308,651 -
Dec-13 2021 Rp0.00652873 Rp0.00638975 Rp0.00742473 Rp0.00741656 Rp6,899,890 -
Dec-12 2021 Rp0.00741983 Rp0.00722689 Rp0.00747052 Rp0.00725632 Rp4,169,365 -
Dec-11 2021 Rp0.00740021 Rp0.00711735 Rp0.00744926 Rp0.00721218 Rp4,038,561 -
Dec-10 2021 Rp0.00721381 Rp0.00721381 Rp0.0078384 Rp0.00775992 Rp3,940,458 -
Dec-09 2021 Rp0.007773 Rp0.00768634 Rp0.00879654 Rp0.00873441 Rp9,597,714 -
Dec-08 2021 Rp0.00871478 Rp0.00862976 Rp0.00874749 Rp0.00867391 Rp5,134,041 -
Dec-06 2021 Rp0.0086314 Rp0.0079692 Rp0.0086314 Rp0.0084728 Rp6,670,984 -
Dec-05 2021 Rp0.00846789 Rp0.00833218 Rp0.00847443 Rp0.00838451 Rp6,540,180 -
Dec-04 2021 Rp0.00845808 Rp0.00782696 Rp0.00886521 Rp0.00886521 Rp33,485,722 -
Dec-03 2021 Rp0.00888319 Rp0.00878182 Rp0.011652 Rp0.011626 Rp45,159,943 -
Dec-02 2021 Rp0.011621 Rp0.011453 Rp0.012666 Rp0.012638 Rp17,004,468 -

Historical and market price analysis of Meliodas (MELIODAS), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Indonesian Rupiah, analyzing 48 days, from day 05-13-2024.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 16350.45 IDR.