Market Cap R45.27T 1.39%
Volume 24h R2.27T 4.69%
BTC % 49.58% -0.6%
ETH % 16.92% 0.65%
Coins 27.870 +23
Exchanges 885
Last update 17 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h ZAR Capitalization ZAR
Dec-24 2020 R0.00118991 R0.00042186 R0.00122099 R0.00042278 R14,488 R19,076
Dec-23 2020 R0.00042278 R0.00042167 R0.00055508 R0.00055508 R278 R25,053
Dec-20 2020 R0.00075713 R0.00075713 R0.00075713 R0.00075713 R185 R34,175
Dec-19 2020 R0.00075713 R0.00011971 R0.00075713 R0.00012119 R185 R5,458
Dec-18 2020 R0.000121 R0.0001173 R0.000121 R0.0001173 R1,295 R5,292
Dec-12 2020 R0.00088276 R0.00087814 R0.00088646 R0.00087814 R500 R39,633
Dec-11 2020 R0.00087795 R0.00074011 R0.00105854 R0.00105854 R500 R47,774
Dec-10 2020 R0.00105854 R0.00105836 R0.00107704 R0.00106816 R37 R48,218
Dec-09 2020 R0.00106816 R0.00106631 R0.00106816 R0.00106631 R37 R48,126
Dec-03 2020 R0.00074011 R0.00074011 R0.00074011 R0.00074011 R56 R33,398
Dec-02 2020 R0.00074011 R0.00074011 R0.00074011 R0.00074011 R56 R33,398
Dec-01 2020 R0.00052011 R0.00050235 R0.00088461 R0.00068145 R315 R30,752
Nov-30 2020 R0.00068182 R0.00067294 R0.00105632 R0.00105595 R1,295 R47,663
Nov-29 2020 R0.00105595 R0.00105558 R0.00109444 R0.00109444 R37 R49,402
Nov-28 2020 R0.00109444 R0.00086685 R0.00109444 R0.00089442 R111 R40,373

Historical and market price analysis of Master Swiscoin (MSCN), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in South African Rand, analyzing 1389 days, from day 09-08-2020.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 18.5028 ZAR.