Market Cap $2.49T -0.14%
Volume 24h $147.76B -13.5%
BTC % 50.87% 0.6%
ETH % 15.35% -0.26%
Coins 26.858 +32
Exchanges 885
Last update 2 Minutes ago
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS

Inflation Adjusted USDS (IUSDS) Technology, Details and Circulation

Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS

Inflation Adjusted USDS (IUSDS) Technology and Details

Currency Name Inflation Adjusted USDS
Currency Symbol IUSDS
Alternative Symbols -
Category Token
Token Address: 0xF9C2B386FF5Df088AC717ab0010587bad3bC1ab1
Contract Addresses
Inflation Adjusted USDS
Platform: Ethereum
Token Address: 0xF9C2B386FF5Df088AC717ab0010587bad3bC1ab1
Inflation Adjusted USDS
Platform: BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)
Token Address: 0x6458df5d764284346c19D88A104Fd3D692471499
Inflation Adjusted USDS
Platform: Polygon
Token Address: 0x66F31345Cb9477B427A1036D43f923a557C432A4
Inflation Adjusted USDS
Platform: Avalanche C-Chain
Token Address: 0x8861f5c40a0961579689fdf6cdea2be494f9b25a
Inflation Adjusted USDS official Website
Inflation Adjusted USDS Transactions Explorer
Inflation Adjusted USDS official Twitter Account
Inflation Adjusted USDS Source Code
Inflation Adjusted USDS Blog -
Inflation Adjusted USDS Message Boards / Forum -
Project Start Date -
Currency Algorithm -
Currency Proof Type -
Open Source -
Compatible with Hardware Hallets? -
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS

Inflation Adjusted USDS Blockchain details and Mining parameters

Difficulty Adjustment -
Block Reward -
Block Reward Reduction -
Block Number -
Block Time -
Net Hashes Per Second -
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS

Inflation Adjusted USDS Circulation

Current Circulation -
Available Circulation 2,210,259 IUSDS
Total / Max Circulation -
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS

Inflation Adjusted USDS Whitepaper

Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS

Inflation Adjusted USDS Logo and Icon Set

Inflation Adjusted USDS Logo icon 16px
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS Logo
Inflation Adjusted USDS Logo icon 32px
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS Logo
Inflation Adjusted USDS Logo icon 64px
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS Logo
Inflation Adjusted USDS Logo icon 128px
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS Logo
Inflation Adjusted USDS IUSDS

Inflation Adjusted USDS Team Members
