Market Cap $2.42T -1.3%
Volume 24h $143.78B 36.12%
BTC % 52.35% -1.05%
ETH % 13.11% 0.76%
Coins 28.936 +23
Exchanges 885
Last update 29 Seconds ago
GET Protocol GET

GET Protocol (GET) Price & Volume in different Markets and Exchanges
USD Dollar - USD

GET Protocol GET

GET Protocol - GET Price per Exchange and Market
GET Protocol Markets, Price and Volume in : USD Dollar $ & BTC

Market Pair Currency
Price USD $ Price BTC Vol 24h
Vol 24h
GET/USD GET Protocol US Dollars $0.886329 Ƀ0.00002029 $0 Ƀ0.00 Low 9mos 1w ago
GET/WAVES GET Protocol Waves $0.865227 Ƀ0.00001981 $0 Ƀ0.00 Low 9mos 1w ago
Uniswap V3 Uniswap V3
GET/WETH GET Protocol WETH $0.925115 Ƀ0.00002118 $59,544 Ƀ1.36 N/A 9mos 1w ago
SushiSwap (Polygon Network) SushiSwap (Polygon Network)
GET/WETH GET Protocol WETH $0.901494 Ƀ0.00002065 $1,250 Ƀ0.03 N/A 9mos 1w ago
Uniswap V2 Uniswap V2
GET/WETH GET Protocol WETH $0.913095 Ƀ0.00002091 $741 Ƀ0.02 N/A 9mos 1w ago
SushiSwap SushiSwap
GET/WETH GET Protocol WETH $0.936572 Ƀ0.00002145 $418 Ƀ0.01 N/A 9mos 1w ago
QuickSwap QuickSwap
GET/WETH GET Protocol WETH $0.906287 Ƀ0.00002076 $378 Ƀ0.01 N/A 9mos 1w ago
QuickSwap QuickSwap
GET/WMATIC GET Protocol Wrapped Matic $0.883103 Ƀ0.00002023 $1 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
QuickSwap QuickSwap
GET/USDC GET Protocol USD Coin $0.850934 Ƀ0.00002012 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
Bittrex Bittrex
GET/USDT GET Protocol Tether $0.621039 Ƀ0.00001423 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
Coinone Coinone
GET/KRW GET Protocol South Korea Won $0.849445 Ƀ0.00001945 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
GET/BTC GET Protocol Bitcoin $0.966954 Ƀ0.00002214 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
GET/DOGE GET Protocol Dogecoin $0.610099 Ƀ0.00001397 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
GET/ETH GET Protocol Ethereum $0.881153 Ƀ0.00002018 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago
GET/RUB GET Protocol Russian Ruble $0.983953 Ƀ0.00002253 $0 Ƀ0.00 N/A 9mos 1w ago

GET Protocol price, details and volume in 8 Markets and Exchanges - 15 Pairs

Exchange & Markets: Bittrex, Coinone, QuickSwap, SushiSwap, SushiSwap (Polygon Network), Uniswap V2, Uniswap V3, YoBit YoBit