Market Cap RM11.26T -5.56%
Volume 24h RM907.56B 61.47%
BTC % 49.89% 0.42%
ETH % 16.82% 1.54%
Coins 27.806 +19
Exchanges 885
Last update 41 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h MYR Capitalization MYR
Mar-13 2018 RM0.00128198 RM0.00128198 RM0.00174092 RM0.00171177 RM1,930 -
Mar-12 2018 RM0.00172166 RM0.00124478 RM0.00185406 RM0.00179756 RM2,006 -
Mar-11 2018 RM0.00180326 RM0.00122256 RM0.00318129 RM0.0020659 RM34,876 -
Mar-10 2018 RM0.00165847 RM0.00087356 RM0.00389943 RM0.00130797 RM223,950 -
Mar-09 2018 RM0.0013074 RM0.00118489 RM0.00132822 RM0.00131272 RM9 -
Mar-08 2018 RM0.00132111 RM0.00085341 RM0.00178009 RM0.00093228 RM235 -
Mar-07 2018 RM0.00093228 RM0.0008899 RM0.00151142 RM0.00100761 RM75 -
Mar-06 2018 RM0.00101232 RM0.0009982 RM0.00159618 RM0.00108295 RM433 -
Mar-05 2018 RM0.00108766 RM0.00107353 RM0.00109708 RM0.00108295 RM1,139 -
Mar-04 2018 RM0.00108295 RM0.00104528 RM0.00161501 RM0.00161501 RM240 -
Mar-03 2018 RM0.00161972 RM0.00103587 RM0.00162443 RM0.00103587 RM160 -
Mar-02 2018 RM0.00104057 RM0.00102645 RM0.00157734 RM0.00102645 RM560 -
Mar-01 2018 RM0.00103116 RM0.00096524 RM0.00153026 RM0.00097465 RM895 -
Feb-28 2018 RM0.00096995 RM0.00096995 RM0.00150672 RM0.00150672 RM1,436 -
Feb-27 2018 RM0.00150672 RM0.0009982 RM0.00244371 RM0.0019399 RM1,752 -

Historical and market price analysis of FireFlyCoin (FFC), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Malaysian Ringgit, analyzing 1069 days, from day 07-22-2021.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 4.7085 MYR.