Market Cap CN¥18.60T 2.52%
Volume 24h CN¥452.97B
BTC % 49.44% -2.71%
ETH % 16.67% -2.16%
Coins 27.787 +2
Exchanges 885
Last update 27 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h CNY Capitalization CNY
Mar-11 2020 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 - -
Mar-10 2020 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 - -
Mar-09 2020 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 - -
Mar-07 2020 CN¥0.039937 CN¥0.039937 CN¥0.039937 CN¥0.039937 - -
Mar-06 2020 CN¥0.039937 CN¥0.039937 CN¥0.039937 CN¥0.039937 - -
Mar-05 2020 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 - -
Mar-04 2020 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 - -
Mar-03 2020 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.066803 - -
Mar-02 2020 CN¥0.066803 CN¥0.05809 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥22 -
Mar-01 2020 CN¥0.064639 CN¥0.064631 CN¥0.066577 CN¥0.066316 CN¥80 -
Feb-29 2020 CN¥0.066352 CN¥0.066349 CN¥0.068256 CN¥0.06753 CN¥182 -
Feb-27 2020 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 - -
Feb-26 2020 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 CN¥0.06753 - -
Feb-18 2020 CN¥0.078714 CN¥0.077867 CN¥0.078757 CN¥0.078303 CN¥15 -
Feb-17 2020 CN¥0.078338 CN¥0.076579 CN¥0.07951 CN¥0.079401 CN¥22 -

Historical and market price analysis of Fargocoin (FRGC), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Chinese Yuan, analyzing 1034 days, from day 08-24-2021.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 7.2613 CNY.