Market Cap $3.46T
Volume 24h $341.50B
BTC % 55.65%
ETH % 11.7%
Last update
2 Minutes ago
Current Price USD |
- |
Change 24 Hours USD |
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% Change 1 Hour | - |
% Change 24 Hours | - |
% Change 7 Days | 2.43% |
% Change |
30d 5.52%
60d -7.03%90d -10.97%
FB Indicators 24h USD |
Open 24h | $180.48 |
Low 24h | $180.48 |
High 24h | $180.48 |
Difference Low / High 24h | - |
FB Indicators 7 Days USD |
Low 7d |
2022-07-20 12:25:10
High 7d |
2022-07-27 00:25:13
Difference Low / High 7d | $4.2894 |
FB All-Time High: Historical Maximum Price | |
All-Time High Price USD
* ATH: Historical Maximum Price |
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All-Time High Date USD |
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ATH From % USD
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FB ATL - All-Time Low: Historical Minimun Price | |
All-Time Low Price USD
* ATL: Historical Minimun Price |
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All-Time Low Date USD |
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ATL From % USD
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Current Price BTC |
- |
Change 24 Hours BTC |
- |
% Change 1 Hour | 0.11% |
% Change 24 Hours | -0.69% |
% Change 7 Days | 14.64% |
% Change |
30d 5.51%
60d 26.07%90d 66.1%
FB Indicators 24h BTC |
Open 24h | Ƀ0.00854654 |
Low 24h | Ƀ0.00848701 |
High 24h | Ƀ0.00854654 |
Difference Low / High 24h | - |
FB Indicators 7 Days BTC |
Low 7d |
2022-07-20 12:25:10
High 7d |
2022-07-26 12:25:13
Difference Low / High 7d | Ƀ0.00114388 |
FB All-Time High: Historical Maximum Price | |
All-Time High Price USD
* ATH: Historical Maximum Price |
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All-Time High Date BTC |
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ATH From % BTC
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FB ATL - All-Time Low: Historical Minimun Price | |
All-Time Low Price BTC
* ATL: Historical Minimun Price |
- |
All-Time Low Date BTC |
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ATL From % BTC
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Convert Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex to USD |
Convert USD to Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex |
* Important: Comma separates thousands and millions, and point separates decimals.
FB Volume 24 hs | |
Volume 24 hs USD |
- |
Volume 24 hs BTC |
- |
Volume 24 hs FB |
- |
FB Market capitalization | |
Market capitalization USD |
- |
Market capitalization BTC |
- |
FB Circulation | |
Current Circulation | - |
Available Circulation | - |
Total / Max Circulation | - |
Ranking Capitalization USD |
More information
Ranking Capitalization CoinMarketCap |
More information
Currency Name | Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex |
Currency Symbol | FB |
Alternative Symbols | No alternative symbols found. This currency is consistently represented as FB across all analyzed platforms. |
Category | Token |
Platform |
Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex does not depend on an external platform as it is a standalone and independent cryptocurrency.
Project Start Date | - |
Currency Algorithm | - |
Currency Proof Type | - |
Open Source | - |
Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex Compatible Wallets
We currently do not have any registered or analyzed compatible wallets for this coin.
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aWebAnalysis Rating
Our rating is a composite score based on the ratings from multiple sources, including CertiK, Cyberscope, Fairyproof, Hacken, Quantstamp, SlowMist, TokenInsight, Verichains, and Xangle, among others, providing a general assessment of the coin's reliability and security.
We are not currently tracking audits, reviews, or ratings for this coin, so we are unable to provide a rating at this time.
Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex official Website | |
Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex Transactions Explorer | - |
Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex official Twitter Account | |
Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex Source Code | - |
Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex Blog | - |
Facebook Tokenized Stock Zipmex Message Boards / Forum | - |
Last update |
2 Minutes
Last Update (Price) | 07-27-2022 12:25:12 UTC |
Last Update (System) | 12-22-2024 01:04:10 UTC |