Market Cap CA$3.43T -0.79%
Volume 24h CA$189.25B 13.36%
BTC % 50.69% -0.11%
ETH % 17.08% -0.41%
Coins 27.770 +22
Exchanges 885
Last update 1 minute ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h CAD Capitalization CAD
Jul-04 2021 CA$0.00005837 CA$0.00005437 CA$0.00005866 CA$0.00005515 CA$8 -
Jul-03 2021 CA$0.00005516 CA$0.00005433 CA$0.00005517 CA$0.00005509 CA$7 -
Jun-22 2021 CA$236.38 CA$213.00 CA$245.14 CA$233.30 CA$709 -
Jun-21 2021 CA$233.51 CA$231.33 CA$269.96 CA$269.05 CA$934 -
Jun-06 2021 CA$0.00158404 CA$0.0015518 CA$0.00162529 CA$0.00155919 CA$3 -
Jun-05 2021 CA$0.00155232 CA$0.00151949 CA$0.00156314 CA$0.00156193 CA$3 -
Jun-04 2021 CA$221.41 CA$210.92 CA$234.35 CA$234.35 CA$22 -
Jun-03 2021 CA$234.70 CA$229.22 CA$348.49 CA$348.49 CA$33 -
May-23 2021 CA$0.0003923 CA$0.00038947 CA$0.00040697 CA$0.0003931 CA$104 -
May-22 2021 CA$0.00039445 CA$0.00037441 CA$0.0004237 CA$0.00038726 CA$105 -
May-18 2021 CA$0.114992 CA$0.112098 CA$0.114992 CA$0.112239 CA$269 -
May-17 2021 CA$0.112334 CA$0.00457252 CA$0.12202 CA$0.00461258 CA$22,027 -
May-16 2021 CA$0.00460468 CA$0.00106307 CA$0.036685 CA$0.00449972 CA$36,624 -
Dec-21 2020 CA$0.0001014 CA$0.00009874 CA$0.00010628 CA$0.0001049 CA$19 -
Dec-20 2020 CA$0.00010518 CA$0.00010308 CA$0.00010778 CA$0.00010669 CA$21 -

Historical and market price analysis of EtherDelta Token (EDT), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Canadian Dollar, analyzing 290 days, from day 09-05-2023.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 1.36788 CAD.