Market Cap RM13.20T 0.07%
Volume 24h RM720.84B -18.18%
BTC % 49.74% -0.24%
ETH % 16.45% 1.03%
Coins 27.500 +26
Exchanges 885
Last update 1 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h MYR Capitalization MYR
Dec-24 2020 RM0.00108766 RM0.00106842 RM0.00109823 RM0.00109006 RM657 RM81,755
Dec-23 2020 RM0.00109165 RM0.00106738 RM0.00112067 RM0.00107992 RM662 RM80,994
Dec-18 2020 RM0.00106114 RM0.00105762 RM0.00109039 RM0.00107123 RM80 RM80,337
Dec-17 2020 RM0.00107039 RM0.00105504 RM0.00110959 RM0.00109175 RM80 RM81,881
Dec-13 2020 RM0.00089603 RM0.00088031 RM0.00089603 RM0.00088233 RM127 RM66,174
Dec-12 2020 RM0.00088261 RM0.00085979 RM0.00088787 RM0.00085998 RM127 RM64,498
Nov-29 2020 RM0.00174827 RM0.00165082 RM0.00174902 RM0.00166589 RM19 RM124,939
Nov-28 2020 RM0.00166448 RM0.00158847 RM0.00167175 RM0.0016081 RM1,324 RM120,606
Nov-27 2020 RM0.0016058 RM0.00155003 RM0.001635 RM0.00161002 RM2,596 RM120,752
Nov-26 2020 RM0.00160453 RM0.00153439 RM0.00177236 RM0.00176381 RM1,817 RM132,282
Nov-25 2020 RM0.00176686 RM0.0008904 RM0.00182601 RM0.00089068 RM1,577 RM66,798
Sep-12 2020 RM0.00097138 RM0.00097058 RM0.00097673 RM0.00097673 RM19 RM73,253
Sep-11 2020 RM0.00097589 RM0.00096326 RM0.00097654 RM0.0009664 RM19 RM72,478
Aug-17 2020 RM0.00115306 RM0.00110855 RM0.00116179 RM0.00111813 RM52 RM83,858
Aug-16 2020 RM0.00111743 RM0.00110931 RM0.00111785 RM0.00111222 RM47 RM83,412

Historical and market price analysis of Bitpark Coin (BPC), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Malaysian Ringgit, analyzing 1052 days, from day 07-20-2021.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 4.6945 MYR.