Market Cap Bs.89.17T 1.54%
Volume 24h Bs.2.94T -4.57%
BTC % 50% 0.44%
ETH % 16.8% -0.17%
Coins 27.891 +2
Exchanges 885
Last update 14 Seconds ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h VES Capitalization VES
Jan-27 2021 Bs.0.093811 Bs.0.093219 Bs.0.094854 Bs.0.094854 - Bs.18,792,802
Jan-26 2021 Bs.0.094936 Bs.0.090366 Bs.0.095504 Bs.0.094257 - Bs.19,018,365
Jan-25 2021 Bs.0.094262 Bs.0.093445 Bs.0.101352 Bs.0.094033 - Bs.18,883,203
Jan-24 2021 Bs.0.094044 Bs.0.090588 Bs.0.095939 Bs.0.093358 - Bs.18,839,539
Jan-23 2021 Bs.0.093344 Bs.0.091714 Bs.0.097153 Bs.0.096116 - Bs.18,699,326
Jan-22 2021 Bs.0.095927 Bs.0.084318 Bs.0.098466 Bs.0.089749 - Bs.19,216,814
Jan-21 2021 Bs.0.089921 Bs.0.088096 Bs.0.103538 Bs.0.103538 - Bs.18,013,703
Jan-20 2021 Bs.0.103738 Bs.0.097764 Bs.0.105941 Bs.0.105042 - Bs.20,781,498
Jan-19 2021 Bs.0.10505 Bs.0.10505 Bs.0.109952 Bs.0.106674 - Bs.21,044,379
Jan-18 2021 Bs.0.10671 Bs.0.101588 Bs.0.108622 Bs.0.104181 - Bs.21,376,851
Jan-17 2021 Bs.0.10432 Bs.0.099216 Bs.0.106942 Bs.0.105357 - Bs.20,898,007
Jan-16 2021 Bs.0.105441 Bs.0.103771 Bs.0.110268 Bs.0.107242 - Bs.21,122,617
Jan-15 2021 Bs.0.107239 Bs.0.100935 Bs.0.115258 Bs.0.114121 - Bs.21,482,871
Jan-14 2021 Bs.0.114124 Bs.0.107368 Bs.0.11639 Bs.0.108672 - Bs.22,862,160
Jan-13 2021 Bs.0.108614 Bs.0.094892 Bs.0.109498 Bs.0.09879 - Bs.21,758,221

Historical and market price analysis of Bitfex (BFX), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Venezuelan Bolivar Soberano, analyzing 470 days, from day 03-18-2023.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 36.4025 VES.