Market Cap Tk287.09T 1.38%
Volume 24h Tk9.47T -4.74%
BTC % 49.97% 0.38%
ETH % 16.82% -0.05%
Coins 27.891 +2
Exchanges 885
Last update 2 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h BDT Capitalization BDT
Jan-27 2021 Tk0.302528 Tk0.30062 Tk0.305893 Tk0.305893 - Tk60,604,447
Jan-26 2021 Tk0.306159 Tk0.29142 Tk0.307988 Tk0.303968 - Tk61,331,858
Jan-25 2021 Tk0.303984 Tk0.301351 Tk0.326849 Tk0.303245 - Tk60,895,979
Jan-24 2021 Tk0.303281 Tk0.292137 Tk0.309392 Tk0.301068 - Tk60,755,169
Jan-23 2021 Tk0.301024 Tk0.295767 Tk0.313309 Tk0.309963 - Tk60,302,997
Jan-22 2021 Tk0.309355 Tk0.271915 Tk0.317543 Tk0.289432 - Tk61,971,834
Jan-21 2021 Tk0.289986 Tk0.284099 Tk0.3339 Tk0.3339 - Tk58,091,951
Jan-20 2021 Tk0.334543 Tk0.315276 Tk0.341646 Tk0.338748 - Tk67,017,742
Jan-19 2021 Tk0.338775 Tk0.338775 Tk0.354583 Tk0.344011 - Tk67,865,502
Jan-18 2021 Tk0.344127 Tk0.327611 Tk0.350295 Tk0.33597 - Tk68,937,683
Jan-17 2021 Tk0.336419 Tk0.319961 Tk0.344877 Tk0.339766 - Tk67,393,472
Jan-16 2021 Tk0.340035 Tk0.334651 Tk0.355602 Tk0.345844 - Tk68,117,809
Jan-15 2021 Tk0.345834 Tk0.325505 Tk0.371693 Tk0.368027 - Tk69,279,586
Jan-14 2021 Tk0.368038 Tk0.346251 Tk0.375343 Tk0.350456 - Tk73,727,619
Jan-13 2021 Tk0.350267 Tk0.306017 Tk0.353119 Tk0.318587 - Tk70,167,554

Historical and market price analysis of Bitfex (BFX), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Bangladeshi Taka, analyzing 470 days, from day 03-18-2023.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 117.39353 BDT.