Market Cap NZ$4.45T -3.33%
Volume 24h NZ$332.99B 26.11%
BTC % 50.27% 0.69%
ETH % 16.3% 0.06%
Coins 27.541 +23
Exchanges 885
Last update 1 minute ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h NZD Capitalization NZD
Dec-24 2020 NZ$0.00003046 NZ$0.000001358 NZ$0.00003128 NZ$0.000001358 NZ$41 -
Dec-18 2020 NZ$0.0000019635 NZ$0.0000019635 NZ$0.0000019635 NZ$0.0000019635 - -
Dec-17 2020 NZ$0.0000019635 NZ$0.0000019635 NZ$0.0000019635 NZ$0.0000019635 - -
Dec-14 2020 NZ$0.00016567 NZ$0.00016428 NZ$0.00016725 NZ$0.00016725 NZ$5 -
Dec-13 2020 NZ$0.00016729 NZ$0.00016648 NZ$0.00016969 NZ$0.00016969 NZ$5 -
Nov-16 2020 NZ$0.00001968 NZ$0.00001948 NZ$0.00001971 NZ$0.00001961 NZ$2 -
Nov-15 2020 NZ$0.00001958 NZ$0.00001945 NZ$0.00001989 NZ$0.0000197 NZ$2 -
Oct-19 2020 NZ$0.00001832 NZ$0.00001832 NZ$0.0000184 NZ$0.00001835 - -
Oct-18 2020 NZ$0.00001837 NZ$0.0000183 NZ$0.00001844 NZ$0.00001835 - -
Oct-16 2020 NZ$0.00018556 NZ$0.00018452 NZ$0.00018892 NZ$0.00018823 NZ$2 -
Oct-15 2020 NZ$0.00018818 NZ$0.00018502 NZ$0.00018942 NZ$0.00018684 NZ$2 -
Aug-12 2020 NZ$0.000001309 NZ$0.0000012599 NZ$0.0000013253 NZ$0.0000013253 - -
Aug-11 2020 NZ$0.0000013253 NZ$0.0000012926 NZ$0.0000013908 NZ$0.0000013908 - -
Aug-03 2020 NZ$0.0000001636 NZ$0.0000001636 NZ$0.0000001636 NZ$0.0000001636 - -
Aug-02 2020 NZ$0.0000001636 NZ$0.0000001636 NZ$0.0000001636 NZ$0.0000001636 - -

Historical and market price analysis of Avoncoin (ACN), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in New Zealand Dollar, analyzing 739 days, from day 05-31-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 1.63626 NZD.