Market Cap Rp44,247.25T -2.37%
Volume 24h Rp3,461.21T 30.32%
BTC % 50.28% 0.83%
ETH % 16.3% 0%
Coins 27.540 +26
Exchanges 885
Last update 3 Minutes ago
Date Price Price Low Price High Price Open Volume 24h IDR Capitalization IDR
Dec-24 2020 Rp0.303074 Rp0.013509 Rp0.311212 Rp0.013509 Rp406,920 -
Dec-18 2020 Rp0.019532 Rp0.019532 Rp0.019532 Rp0.019532 - -
Dec-17 2020 Rp0.019532 Rp0.019532 Rp0.019532 Rp0.019532 - -
Dec-14 2020 Rp1.6480 Rp1.6341 Rp1.6638 Rp1.6638 Rp48,830 -
Dec-13 2020 Rp1.6641 Rp1.6561 Rp1.6880 Rp1.6880 Rp48,830 -
Nov-16 2020 Rp0.195809 Rp0.193856 Rp0.196135 Rp0.195158 Rp16,277 -
Nov-15 2020 Rp0.194833 Rp0.193531 Rp0.197925 Rp0.195972 Rp16,277 -
Oct-19 2020 Rp0.1823 Rp0.1823 Rp0.183114 Rp0.182625 - -
Oct-18 2020 Rp0.182788 Rp0.182137 Rp0.183439 Rp0.182625 - -
Oct-16 2020 Rp1.8459 Rp1.8355 Rp1.8793 Rp1.8724 Rp16,277 -
Oct-15 2020 Rp1.8719 Rp1.8405 Rp1.8843 Rp1.8586 Rp16,277 -
Aug-12 2020 Rp0.013021 Rp0.012533 Rp0.013184 Rp0.013184 - -
Aug-11 2020 Rp0.013184 Rp0.012858 Rp0.013835 Rp0.013835 - -
Aug-03 2020 Rp0.00162767 Rp0.00162767 Rp0.00162767 Rp0.00162767 - -
Aug-02 2020 Rp0.00162767 Rp0.00162767 Rp0.00162767 Rp0.00162767 - -

Historical and market price analysis of Avoncoin (ACN), OHLC, OHLCV and Market Capitalization. Daily opening price, daily high price, daily low price, daily closing price, daily volume and market capitalization per day in Indonesian Rupiah, analyzing 739 days, from day 05-30-2022.

Important: The prices displayed are based on the US dollar, the price, price low, price high, price open, volume and capitalization columns are calculated at the current exchange rate, with a conversion rate of 1 USD = 16276.8 IDR.