Lookup, Location and Details of IP 2804:138b:b0c1:ca78:a839:6842:ead1:9f64

IP address 2804:138b:b0c1:ca78:a839:6842:ead1:9f64
Compressed IP address 2804:138b:b0c1:ca78:a839:6842:ead1:9f64
Analyzed Range
IP Type IPv6
IP availability Public IP
Not yet been verified
State / Region Rio de Janeiro
City Rio de Janeiro
ISP Claro S.A.
CIDR 2804:1388::/30
AS Number AS4230
AS Name Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
Continent South America
Time zone Code America/Sao_Paulo
Time zone Offset UTC -03:00
UTC -02:00 (DST)
Local time
Coordinates Latitude: -22.906759, Longitude: -43.172963

IP 2804:138b:b0c1:ca78:a839:6842:ead1:9f64 Proxy Lookup

Proxy Status Proxy Not Detected
IP Proxy Lookup Tool

IP address 2804:138b:b0c1:ca78:a839:6842:ead1:9f64 location map

2804:138b:b0c1:ca78:a839:6842:ead1:9f64 IP Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

IP address 2804:138b:b0c1:ca78:a839:6842:ead1:9f64 is a Public IP of type IPv6, located in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.

WHOIS and Details of IP 2804:138b:b0c1:ca78:a839:6842:ead1:9f64

inetnum: 2804:1388::/30 aut-num: AS53037 abuse-c: PMCLI10 owner: NEXTEL TELECOMUNICA��ES LTDA ownerid: 66.970.229/0001-67 responsible: Suporte Redes country: BR owner-c: JLD3 tech-c: ENNEX created: 20140123 changed: 20200312 nic-hdl-br: JLD3 person: NEXTEL TELECOMUNICA��ES LTDA e-mail: [email protected] country: BR created: 19980203 changed: 20190801 nic-hdl-br: ENNEX person: Engenharia Nextel e-mail: [email protected] country: BR created: 20200310 changed: 20200310 nic-hdl-br: PMCLI10 person: Pedro Medeiros Cunha Lima e-mail: [email protected] country: BR created: 20200306 changed: 20200306
Last check:
09-18-2020 16:14:18
Updated 3yrs 7mos ago

Country additional information

Country Brazil
National Capital Brasileia
Total area 8.514.877 km²
Population 210.867.954
Currency Code BRL
Currency Name Brazilian Real (Cz$)
Official language Portuguese
Code IDD +55