Coronavirus COVID-19: Comparison Albania and Italy

Albania Italy
Total Cases 334,863 26,723,249
New Cases - -
Total deaths 3,605 196,487
% Deaths 1.08% 0.74%
New deaths - -
Recovered 330,233 26,361,218
% Recovered 98.62% 98.65%
Active Cases 1,025 165,544
Serious Cases - 22
Cases 1M Pop 114,117.78 450,713.65
Deaths 1M Pop 1,228.55 3,313.94
First Case 03-07-2020 1505d 01-29-2020 1543d
Population 2.934.363 59.290.969
Total Tests 1,941,032 281,126,449
Tests 1M Pop 661,483 4,741,472
See Statistics
See Statistics
Last update
59 Seconds ago


In Albania until today (2023-03-10), there are a total of 334,863 COVID-19 Coronavirus cases recorded, of which 98.62% are indicated as recovered, with a total of 330,233 recovered patients. Albania has 1,025 active cases. The first case of Coronavirus in Albania was recorded on the day 03-07-2020, 1505 days ago.

In total were registered in Albania a total of 3,605 Coronavirus deaths, with a percentage of deaths over the total registered cases of 1.08%.

With a total population of 2.934.363, Albania has a rate of 114,117.78 of Covid-19 cases per million inhabitants, and a death rate of 1,228.55 for every 1 million inhabitants.


In Italy until today (2023-03-10), there are a total of 26,723,249 COVID-19 Coronavirus cases recorded, of which 98.65% are indicated as recovered, with a total of 26,361,218 recovered patients. Italy has 165,544 active cases. The first case of Coronavirus in Italy was recorded on the day 01-29-2020, 1543 days ago.

In total were registered in Italy a total of 196,487 Coronavirus deaths, with a percentage of deaths over the total registered cases of 0.74%.

With a total population of 59.290.969, Italy has a rate of 450,713.65 of Covid-19 cases per million inhabitants, and a death rate of 3,313.94 for every 1 million inhabitants.

Compare COVID-19 Country Statistics

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Comparison Coronavirus COVID-19 Albania and Italy:
Total Cases and Total deaths

Accumulated Since Date: 03-02-2020

Comparison Coronavirus COVID-19 Albania and Italy:
% Deaths and % Recovered

Per day Since Date: 03-02-2020

Comparison Coronavirus COVID-19 Albania and Italy:
Cases 1M Pop and Deaths 1M Pop

Per day Since Date: 03-02-2020

Comparison Coronavirus COVID-19 Albania and Italy:
Interactive graph of new daily activity

New daily Since Date: 03-02-2020

Comparison Coronavirus COVID-19 Albania and Italy:
Total Cases and Total deaths

Accumulated From the Zero Date of the country: 03-02-2020

Comparison Coronavirus COVID-19 Albania and Italy:
% Deaths and % Recovered

Per day From the Zero Date of the country: 03-02-2020

Comparison Coronavirus COVID-19 Albania and Italy:
Cases 1M Pop and Deaths 1M Pop

Per day From the Zero Date of the country: 03-02-2020

Comparison Coronavirus COVID-19 Albania and Italy:
Interactive graph of new daily activity

New daily From the Zero Date of the country: 03-02-2020

Albania: Country additional information

Country Albania
National Capital Tirana
Total area 28.748 km²
Population 2.934.363
Currency Code ALL
Currency Name Albanian lek
Official language Albanian
CCTLD Code al

Italy: Country additional information

Country Italy
National Capital Roma
Total area 301.340 km²
Population 59.290.969
Currency Code EUR
Currency Name Euro
Official language Italian
CCTLD Code it